Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hi folks

the title of this post might put some of you right off but the Langham Working Men's club has been around for almost 100 years and is very much part of  ourlocal history. Yet it hardly gets a mention and is overlooked, just as are the 2000 plus clubs up and down the country. There used to be over 4000 such clubs in their heyday in the 1970s which were often full with queues outside the doors. I am writing about clubs and although my focus is/was on Coventry, the town I grew up in, it has widened. Now I have finally joined the Langham, I am going to talk to members there and start collecting bits of history about that club. It is, like many clubs, struggling to stay open. Maybe clubs have had their day, as some say, but they are very important places to locals, especially older folk and most clubs were once the centre of local communities. I would like now and then to put up things on this site if that would be possible about the club, its life and times. and maybe we could make some links- its a part of the community which we perhaps overlook but its right there on our road! There is also the club in Wood Green and others round and about. I do this research unfunded and unsupported in my own time so I havent got any sponsors. I do have a website dedicated to clubs if anyone is interested www.clubhistorians.co.uk which tries to bring out the community aspect of clubs. (Again, it is sort of my hobby/obsession) Maybe we could support the Langham by joining it? They have bingo a few times a week and line dancing, so I am told. I could always link in HOL to my site once I have something up there about the Langham, Hugh?

cheers to all you potential club goers!



Note from Site Admin: Two blog posts about the Langham, including one with photos inside and out, can be linked to here. Further forum posts about the Langham can be linked to via the "langham working men's club" tag just below.

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So, any update on where the Langham is going, Ruth. You posted on lots of ideas last summer. Did anything move forward?

Am afraid not. I sort of gave up. They didn't seem interested in getting involved in the Harringay Festival which could have brought in new members. They have their own ways of doing things and still hadn't got a website though I had offered help on that front. I know they had garages at the back which were probably going to be sold for some income. I havent been in for some time now and subs are due- not sure I will bother renewing. 

That's a turnaround in enthusiasm. What's occasioned that?

Thats a pity,

I must say I keep looking at that place and wondering what its like. My mum used to run a working men's club as a relief manager, so I know about such places.

I might pop in an ask about membership this evening.

Our gym,The Factory, Hornsey Lane, is holding a SATURDAY FIT CLUB - MARCH 10, 5-7PM,Tina Baker is the fit club teacher and she's great. This is a BEAT THE BOYS! POOL, SNOOKER & DARTS COMPETITION. This will be the first time i've ventured into the place and I won't be playing pool (might damage the table!) but will have a glass of ale perhaps. 



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