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Seems council have put a coloured crossing outside Nags Head pub. High Road .N22 

Yet can not fill in pot holes and make road safe to use

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Haringey's Facebook covers the opening of the High Road crossings

My issue is Cost and that the majority of people walking and driving over these crossing will wonder what its All About. Not if there was a web link or Banners advising the majority of users

Something that will raise many people to wonder about Our Elected Ward Councillors 

Agree.  Also, it is a truly bad idea to be wondering while you are driving.

Do you expect the cost to have been a material amount?

Let me offer a deadly dull alternative view. Aren't roadsigns and markings at street crossings first and foremost for safety?  To save lives and prevent accidents where soft human bodies are in deadly danger.
Each and every human body; in all our myriad variations.

Possibly even duller. Standardised legal rules governing road signs, markings and symbols have a logical and sensible purpose.  They make it easier for everyone to recognise where and when rules apply and when someone is breaking the rules.

Did Haringey seek and obtain Department For Transport approval for these rainbow signs?

Isn't there a reasonable viewpoint that non-standard and eye-catching multi-coloured signs may turn out to cause uncertainty? Or perhaps risk drivers looking at the variations and paying less attention to people crossing?

How about these ?

Would a sardine crossing be more or less safe?

There is a traffic light at the crossing.

One would have to ignore a red light *and* human beings (down to their feet) in their field of vision, after having driven at slow speed through a narrow street full of pedestrians crossing back and forth, in order to be distracted by colours on the ground and continue driving through pedestrians.

Also - I don't drive much but when I do, if I see something stretching right across the road that I didn't expect, my first instinct tends to be to slow down and evaluate the situation, rather than speedup and drive right over it.

Are there any seasoned drivers who do the opposite?

If safety is really still a concern, I would like to flick the switch on this discussion to "Health and safety gone mad" please.

Shariq Please take a look at this thread.

Yellow beacons; black and white poles; black and white stripes; zigs-zags. Admittedly there were several problems. The beacons were dirty. Some white was coming off the poles; some tree branches were partly blocking drivers' views. And there were no traffic lights.
But one key point was that people said they were afraid to walk across.

Surely you've stood at a crossing and seen vehicle drivers and cyclists jump the lights? Or noticed walkers nervously check that it's actually clear to cross. Because we don't trust all drivers to be as patient and considerate as you. Would you believe that some of them are on their phones?! Even on dark rainy nights?

I have glaucoma and loss of some vision. Nor am I as fast and nimble as I once was.

If you want to make fun of my worries as: "Health and safety gone mad", you're welcome to enjoy the fun. But before you do, please consider what happens if you are wrong and the human harmed is from a family or friends of yours.

Please do not take residents genuine concerns about a specific crossing and twist it to suit your own argument. Pedestrians were afraid to cross at that crossing because drivers chose not to stop. It wasn't because we weren't seen it's because some drivers see stopping at zebra crossings as optional- especially on a flat, clear stretch of road. You already knew that was the residents opinion, I even remember telling you we wanted it changed to a pelican crossing so drivers had to stop. It really is beyond a stretch to compare Endymion Rd crossing to the crossing this thread is about! Shame on you.

There are plenty of rainbow crossings around the world and I can't find any evidence to suggest there has been any increase in accidents or injury on them... Or maybe the gay Illuminati have had all these article removed? Now feel free to collect the evidence that they're dangerous but please keep to fact not fiction.

Thanks Mary. Yes some people contributing to the Endymion Road discussion thread on HoL asked for a crossing with lights. As did Hugh Flouch. Haringey staff said 'no'

And yes, as you say, people did complain that cars were driving too fast and failed to stop.  Someone named Cheryl described how she "... have been driven around 4 or 5 times in the last few weeks because the cars weren't prepared to stop."

But please read the other comments I referred to. Which also shows how at the time it was the case that visibility was poor. There were tree branches obscuring drivers' line-of-sight. Which didn't help.
Then, as Gordon T wrote to Haringey sending photos he had taken:
"Here are two pictures of the north-side pole and beacon taken yesterday: the pole is in poor condition, nothing like the pure-white-and-black stripes required for good visibility by approaching road users. Also, the beacon itself is dirty and faded. The south-side pole is similarly poor, the beacon somewhat better. What is your assessment, please? Can the poles be repainted, or a reflective-white-and-black wrap applied, as there is on other Haringey zebra crossings? Can the beacon be replaced by a properly yellow one?"

The reason I raised this example was because I wanted to pose the question of whether or not standard commonly understood and legally prescribed traffic control signs - using black and white - are the safest option. To my mind road safety comes first and foremost. Rather than have any variations in colour. And that applies for whatever reason; and with the very best of motivations.

It may be of course, that research into road accidents shows that rainbow crossings are the safest possible colours and save lives. In which case let's have Government funding to have them everywhere.

Doesn't look like they wear very well either, the Nag's Head one has been repaired since yesterday, presumably they have a high priority out-of-hours fix and ongoing maintenance budget.

Ah, shame. You shouldn't be so worried nor so concerned WG! Apparently some *woman* (probably Irish as well) called Ciara kicked up a storm when it was being laid on the road. The chaps had to stop before it was finished and what you may have thought was a repair was merely the completion of their job. So worry not, no high priority call out, just the contractor completing the job. And I'm told they've used non-slip paint that is suitable for high traffic. BTW the funding is from a Community budget and not a highways budget so not one pothole has remained unfilled due to these horrific crossings. You should be much much more concerned with the moving livestock on the pavement just yards away. People will be falling over themselves trying to negotiate a way past.

Community Budget? Community budget I hear you say!!! How dare the council have a community budget when there are so many potholes! Political correctness gone mad. Bring back hanging etc etc... 

Might be OK in low Traffic Area. But the junction of wood green / station road. Has to be one of the busiest junctions in North London . Advised Wood Green junction was peeling off the day after it was put down. Joys of Plastic heated on the Highway 



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