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What can be done to prevent lethal macho man Mercedes drivers from killing someone on Wightman Road?

For some time now Wightman Road has been used as a thoroughfare for angry macho men driving at high speed in Mercedes Benz, BMWs, Audis and sometimes transit vans.

They can frequently be observed speeding, overtaking vehicles, dangerously overtaking cyclists, tailgating and throwing fast food packaging out of the window. They exhibit very poor driving skills (as if they have never had a driving lesson, let alone passed any kind of driving test).

They have terrible judgement, cutting in front of other road users before traffic islands and accelerating to 50mph with 10m of clear road in front of them. Many of them are unaware of basic road etiquette, for example, the fact that it is socially backwards and aggressive to beep at cyclists.

I can often cycle through the entire city of London without incident, only to have two near death experiences on Wightman Road at the hands of these egg heads. Wightman Road is unfortunately swarming with them at all hours of the day.

Existing traffic calming measures are not adequate and are regarded as human rights infringements by drivers of clapped out Mercedes Benz vehicles.

Unfortunately our Councillors and borough council have consistently failed to push for drastic traffic calming measures to tame the lethal actions of these Kouros aftershave wearing neanderthals.

Some time soon someone is going to get killed by one of them and the blood is going to be on the hands of Haringey Council and the Councillors who failed to push for this menace to be addressed.  

Better traffic calming measures are urgently needed on Wightman Road before lives are lost.    

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I think that's for speeding fines over 30mph. The 20mph limits are up to the council to enforce and man do they like speedhumps. There should be one outside every house.

Unless the law has changed recently speeding fines or other penalities for offences on the public highway can only be issued by the Police though they can use evidence from reliable witnesses (normally speed cameras or handheld devices used by operatives trained in their use).  That one of the reasons the police have to be consulted about local speed limits.  All the revenue goes to the Treasury, not to local government.

When you see some of these drivers tailgating cyclists and beeping at them you do get the impression that they have just emerged from some rural village. 

This analysis does not account for the aggression displayed by white van drivers flooring it down Wightman road all the way from Hornchurch without even stopping to wipe the breakfast bacon grease from their lips. These individuals are another kind of dangerous nuisance. 

Metal posts would deal with both. God could occasionally get involved and will a scratch or broken wing mirror. This would be the most immediate and effective behaviour change incentive.

Great! I think that is the right strategy. I was overtaken by a macho man BMW driver on a bend on Alexandra Park hill a few weeks ago. He could have killed someone coming the other way. This kind of risk does not register in the mind of the ever righteous, mighty macho man BMW driver however.

They don't like to be filmed.

I caught up with him and indicated that he was most likely suffering from a disorder associated with having a small penis. Rather than admit his error in full view of CCTV he suggested pulling into a side road for a fight.

This kind of rural 1970s macho man attitude can't be allowed to stand in the modern day. Filming it, publicising it with the location and reporting it to the police seems to be the best that we can do.

These cheesy macho men ooze aggression, intolerance, ignorance and bad fashion. There is a direct correlation between BMW, Mercedes, Audi ownership and attention seeking bravado.

These unfortunate individuals engage in conspicuous consumption to compensate for their inability to stand out any other way. Social status is defined by the kind of car they drive. The irony is you can pick one of these crappy BMW/Merc/Audis up with 125,000 miles on the clock in any high street garage for under £4,000. 

Rather than thinking "what would Al Pacino do in a 20mph speed zone?" these drivers need to be thinking what a responsible road user would do.

I'd like to see narrow metal posts erected on each side of each carriageway on Wightman Road. This would instil fear in every one of these imbecilic fashion disasters.       

Apologies Victor, I deleted my post. Just to clarify, I rear-cammed an idiot BMW driver trying to overtake me as I was indicating and moving to turn right at a junction. He's now on Rate Driver.com (inc photos), and will soon be on YouTube complete with reg plate & video.

there seems to be alot of reckless drivers driving newish mercedes. the boy race types in their golfs and subarus with desilenced exhaust system on wood green high street should be banned, Thir vehicles do not meet legal requirements for noise.its about time parts of wood green were pedestrianised



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