Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Our MP David Lammy gave it some welly, good to be able to cheer him on with no reservations. 

He's published the whole text on his blog though it was edited down to four minutes on the day. He spoke at about 4.40pm, when the iplayer appears for the whole debate.

Lammy ruffled the feathers of Stewart Jackson, the Conservative MP for Peterborough who  objected to his implying that those opposed to gay marriage were similar to those who opposed civil rights for blacks in America in the 1950s. "I would not take the back seat on the bus for Rosa Parks".  (I think that got a bit scrambled on the way out.)  Blimey.

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TTH regards as extreme any views which do not correspond to his own

Buzzzzz, buzzzzzz, can anyone else hear something?  No, I just imagined it

"I am glad that the extreme views on this post are largely being ignored and people are supportive of the bill.  People should really stop and think before posting on a community website: will my contribution be valued, does it help or will it merely come across as a bitter old rant.  They don't represent the views of the majority..."

TTTH, should we rename this website "HOLGroupthink" to keep you happy? William Spring has every right to express his views here. He hasn't broken any of HOL's house rules. It will be a poor and undemocratic world which only allows what "represents the views of the majority" or what you agree with.

When Roy Jenkins gave government support to the decriminalisation of homosexuality in 1967, he faced a barrage of similar criticism to that we see today, including from  inside his own party. His response was that the "the so-called permissive society was in reality the civilised society" and carried on regardless. There are some conservative commentators who still regard him as a devilish revolutionary but would we really want to unmake the laws that he helped to bring in?  Sometimes, governments do have to act to legislate for a civilised society and the rest of us have to catch up. That David Cameron has followed in the footsteps of Roy Jenkins on this issue has come as a surprise but a pleasant one. 

Well said Liz!

small (well depends how you define Peter Hitchens really)...although there were a few actual Conservatives who claimed to represent tens of thousands of party members who paid number 10 a visit clutching a letter of opposition. Here they are [link to Telegraph just to show Billy that I read all the papers]  I fear that not all Tories are as modern as you BH.

Actually I really would like to undo the laws brought in by Roy, all of which have led us down the Gadarene slope to ferocity & barbarism as indicated @ Stafford Hospital & in the numerous wars, the killing millions of people by Tony Blair & his successors, the deformities @ Fallujah & the Silent Holocaust - or not so silent as I discovered @ Wanstead Hospital. This isn't civilisation. We are in a new dark age "made more hideous & perhaps more protracted by the lights of a perverted science ..." all thanks to Roy & his Abingdon speech.

Goodness me, what a bleak world you live in. It will be Spring soon, the snowdrops are out, How about getting closer to the sentiment in your name? 


The convention, as I understand it John, refers to casework and other matters concerning an MP's constituency. Writing to the Foreign Secretary about events in another country need not go through your local Member of Parliament.

David Lammy's office told me he gets some 500 people a day writing to him. They said that the sheer volume means that some will not get a reply.

David Mundell MP

Visiting Scottish friends, Zena and I once met David Mundell - the only Tory MP in Scotland. He was running an advice session outside a tent at the Peebles Agricultural Show. Courteous and friendly, his advice to our friend was that she needed to see her MSP (Member of the Scottish Parliament).

As I recall, the man in the tent doorway was the Chair of Mr Mundell's Constituency Party. There was no queue. And we got free sandwiches.

I just have to ask Alan. What is the Mexican thing going down in the right hand side of the picture ?

The hat?  It was the Peebles Rotary Club tent.



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