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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

We get an unbelievable amount of junk mail, I'm sure everyone does... 

Has any one tried the 'no junk mail' sticker on their letter box. Does it work?

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Do you use the  Mail Preference Service?

Yep, and the phone one. Still get a lot. And yes, report that regularly too

Sending it back "Return to sender, please take me off your mailing list" also helps.

In May I had a kvetch about conference junkmail posted to me. The amount I got seemed to be growing by the week.

So I sent a standard email to the worst offenders - which usually worked.

When it didn't work and a particular company kept sending material about courses, conferences etc, I made a quick phonecall to the person named in the letter/brochure and asked very nicely to be removed from their mailing list. All were apologetic. And helpful - no more brochures.

I mentioned that if I want to see their stuff - sometimes I do - it's almost always available online.

It's not so much the stuff delivered by the postman, its the endless menus, taxi cards and god knows what else that people put through my door. It goes straight in the recycling, I was wondering if the 'no junk mail' sticker puts a stop to it?

I have a 'No junk mail, No sales calls' notice on my door and that seems to stop almost everything except LibDem newsletters! (Apparently it's my democratic right to receive political information, even from parties I wouldn't vote for...)

You can also apply to have the PO stop delivering junk mailshots - but you have to send the form off to them (by post of course) and then renew the instruction every two years, if you remember. Also, you're relying on the sorting office to screen your mail properly which they can be a bit inefficient about.

I've got a No Junk Mail sign on the door and it works really well. When it doesn't I ring up said taxi/take away/fortune teller and let them know that as a result of their leaflet coming through my door, despite the sign, I will not be using their services.

You could also try mailing the leaflet back to the business in an envelope marked "Postage payable by recipient"

I'd like to do this in many ways, but I also quite like being informed when a genuinely decent restaurant is generous enough to offer its take-away services to my corner of N15 - as this is useful knowledge and often a cause for celebration (Yum Yum's, Tiffins Club etc).

Wish you could somehow just specify 'no scuzzy crackpot junkmail here please'!

I've ordered my sticker and opted out... Watch this space!

Bethany, whilst fact-checking a couple of things on the Delivery to Neighbour scheme, I came across the Stop Junk Mail Campaign, which may be of interest.

The council No Junk Mail sticker has eliminated 99.9% of the junk mail we used to get through our door. For some reason we also no longer get the Haringey People magazine or the free Haringey newspapers either.

I had a reply to my 'councillor enquiry' about people wanting their names removed from the distribution list of Haringey People. As I wasn't completely clear I also had a chat with Sally Lowe the person responsible.

Sally told me that to save money the Council no longer distributes Haringey People via Royal Mail. And if a resident doesn't want the paper, they should email her with their name and address and she will ask the distributors not to deliver to their address. (Sally said that she can't guarantee there'd never be an occasional slip-up.)  Sally.Lowe@haringey.gov.uk

Sally didn't say this to me, but can I also ask that if people want to express political views about the Haringey People the proper avenue is the politicians. Especially the "Leader" Claire.Kober@haringey.gov.uk

I confess that when I open the Haringey People I find it hard to get past the first photo of Cllr Kober. The last edition had the same photo enlarged, with a whole page for her vacuous wittering about how "Haringey symbolises the Olympic Spirit".

But please persevere. If you must, tear out the offending page to wrap your scraps for the food waste bin. Once it is politician-free - which ideally, it should be - I hope you'll find that Haringey People has a fair selection of useful and interesting stuff.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)



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