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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Junction of Nightingale/Bounds Green Roads - Planning App for a grotesque and massive 18m Telecom mast plus metal boxes.

Having been refused two previous apps for the corner of Whittington Road, 3G now have the pleasant green space opposite the Ambulance Station in their sights. As one objector succinctly puts it:

"It is being sited on a green area and this will be dug up and disturbed. This is not dead space. It is environmentally important that we do not lose verges and green spaces which not only enhance our environment but allow diversity of plants and insect. We need these green spaces we do not need them to be nibbled away by supposed 'Technological Advances" We have all learnt over the past few months the value of living in an area that offers many green areas in which to sit, play and walk. The houses beside this installation will be completely blighted and it adds nothing to the area which is reeling from excess traffic."
There are many good reasons to object to this application, but please do not include any 5G conspiracy theories that will enable all objections to be tarred with the same tin-foil hat. Comments close on 22/12/20.

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Sing it, Joni...

"They took all the trees, and put em in a tree museum
And they charged the people a dollar and a half to see them
No, no, no
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot...."

Big Yellow Taxi

Prolific words Richard, 'you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone'.

Richard. Do you use a mobile phone ?

We need these green spaces we do not need them to be nibbled away by supposed 'Technological Advances" We have all learnt over the past few months the value of living in an area that offers many green areas in which to sit, play and walk.

Well, of course we do.  But the last 9 months has also taught us the value of “technological advances” for the thousands upon thousands of people who had to work from home and rely on these very advances

I don't think that Richard's objection is to technology, or the actual mast, rather the siting of it. Any firm, comms or otherwise will look for the cheapest option when planning equipment provision (I know, I was involved in it), and if they are made to make a better environmental choice eg disguise the mast as a tree or site it somewhere less conspicuous, then whoever is paying for it has to absorb the extra cost.

Spot On!

Er, No - I also opposed the two previous applications for the corner of Whittington Road, and will also oppose it being placed inappropriately in any residential area. 

Derogatory inferences, straw men and ad hominems are no substitute for reasoned debate and rational argument (which I’ve still yet to hear for this application).

You've still yet to make any argument for the application, merely tried to 'play the man' in besmirching my motives for making the arguments against 

I live 40 yards away from the proposed site of this gargantuan monstrosity. My mobile phone and internet coverage is fine, although some service providers are better than others. The notion that we have to suffer this kind of development so that we can download movies a few seconds faster is the same perverse logic governing HS2's wanton and over-budgeted destruction of the countryside in order that people can get to Birmingham 20 minutes faster.

I think we can see where you're coming from. In whose backyard would you suggest it should go ?

I'm not wishing it on anyone's back yard. There are industrial sites in the area (e.g. around the Bounds Green train depot) and tall buildings in Wood Green Central where this could be more appropriately accommodated, but it's obviously cheaper to target public spaces 

There you go Mr Matz, I'm sure if this was proposed to be in corner of Finsbury Park it would bring on severe cases of screaming abdabs and the local shops would run out of tin foil. Look what happens when they stick a few temporary generators in there.



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