Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I've recently found out that I'm going to be made redundant next month from my job, so am starting to look for new positions. I would dearly love to work in the local(ish) area and avoid the daily trudge into central London, but I'm at a bit of a loss of where to look for local positions.

Is there such a thing as a local job site for the area (or even north London in general)?

(If anyone's curious, I'm after an assistant position and have 6 years office experience on private and charity sectors).

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Oh - I shall have a look at this. Thanks!

Suggest to try all the charities that have branches in the area Sharon- there are a few and jobs pop up on HoL (as this Tues Ketchup shows). Are you on LinkedIn? That could help you put word out you are seeking work once you link up with contacts. figures show that these days people more likely to find work through their contacts/networks/social media than thru traditional means. Of course dont forget them... all the local north London papers etc. 

Freelance work also possible from home as homeworking increases and numbers of self-employed rises. 

good luck! 

I am indeed on LinkedIn - though haven't had much luck on there with job-hunting, but might try asking on a few of the groups I'm in.

And I don't think I'd suit homeworking - I really enjoy the routine and social aspect of working elsewhere :-) Thanks!

Just a thought - you could try the Royal Free Hospital (less than 15 minutes on the overground from Harringay Green Lanes). They have a main website (below) showing job vacancies


 or you could try their 'bank' team, which arranges temporary staff cover.  The contact details for the Temporary Staffing Department are  rfh-tr.RFH-TemporaryStaffing@nhs.net or telephone 020 7472 6349

or the NHS jobsite in general might also have something that suits you within easy travelling distance (you can search by postcode and skillset).  Good luck!


Funnily enough, my stepdad works for the NHS in Essex and forwarded me through the NHS job site last night! He really loves the team he works with and recommended I have a look but haven't had a chance yet.  Having a quick look there's actually something that could be suitable so will look into that. Thanks!



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