Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

PERHAPS the most lasting image and memory of last night's Rochester & Strood By-election, will be the effect of a Parliamentary Opposition front-bencher's use of that most risky of political tools, the "tweet" ...

Was image from #Rochester, snobbery?

Here's the image. Unlike the original tweeted image, I've obscured the resident's vehicle registration number. The issue of privacy was later cited by Mr Ware.

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They are the EDL in suits.
Owen Jones will be discussing the Rochester shenanigans and why labour voters are turning to UKIP on BBC breakfast this morning at 9.50 am.

Or read him here.

"Ukip is led by a privately educated ex-City broker; one of their two privately educated ex-Tory MPs worked in the City, the other in asset management; and they are bankrolled by ex-Tory multimillionaires. Their policies are erratic, but their leading lights have pledged support for slashing taxes on the rich, privatising public services and repealing basic workers’ rights."

I wonder what has happened to the honourable tradition of stating party political allegiances on this kind of 'political' posting?   As we come into the General Election campaign I do think it should be observed.

David (left leaning, 20 years ago former member of Labour party)


David, I think it's pretty well-known that I'm a Liberal Democrat Councillor (Highgate Ward).

It's much less well-known that I'm a former member of the Boilermakers' Union. Not as a political connection, but simply because I worked for months in motor car assembly factories. And that, not for work experience, but for cash money. I've also been a Registered Representative on the London Stock Exchange.

I am saddened and even worried by the short or narrow, often limited life-experience of some of those inhabiting today's New Labour Party. Some have never held what has often been described as a real or proper job, let alone got their hands dirty.

Emily Thornberry probably meant no offence to Daniel Ware; it was the sheer blitheness of her comment that struck me and I think this detachedness its a symptom of New Labour. She is likely to have sent many votes to UKIP: on Thursday and again, next May.

It has been reported that person didn't vote. The media circus and other parties making capital only pushes potential electorate away from voting, and also hides the real story. That he has become some political pawn overnight for a Conservative party and 5th placed Lib Dems desperate to distract from a terrible result to a bunch of loonies with very limited and dangerous aims. Reckless's alleged aims such as repatriation of migrants or the need for work permits to stay here. My declaration - I am a husband to an honest, hard working, tax paying, business owning, DIC, EU migrant. I couldn't care less about photos when I worry for the future of my family. I am upset that the political and media agenda cares more about promoting twitter photos than they do about the real concerns of ordinary citizens.

Yes Robert, I used the freedom of movement clause to move to Germany thirty-two years ago. Have paid my taxes here ever since, used the health system occasionally and have never had one racist remark said against me.  From the outside, it's always looked to me that the problem in the UK lies within 'the system' and mostly not the immigrants themselves.

The whole debate about immigrants is a nasty one and is really only racism packaged up as being patriotic and is really just a sordid scramble to obtain or keep the levers of power.

It's always easy to accuse those from outside for being the problem. ID cards and registration of residence would help enormously, but these ideas were voted down.

I may be wrong, but I don't think Clive will be standing in the General Election so his political allegiance is irrelevant.

You think it it is irrelevant that Clive is a Lib-Dem councillor in the Borough that witnessed the collapse of the Lib-Dem vote in the local elections as voters in the west of the borough turned back to Labour? That he is a highly active member and campaigner in the Hornsey and Wood Green constituency party that are facing a desperate struggle to keep Lynne Featherstone in office at the next general election?  Her seat is in grave danger if the same swing back towards Labour occurs. 

The OP was nothing else than negative election campaigning. We can expect much more of this. Let's try and be honest about it.  

How is saying that a tweet is risky negative campaigning ? It would apply to anyone in public life.  Maybe we should let the Site Admin rule on this ?

Yes, this is negative campaigning. Clive is involved in political party campaigning .  He very clearly has an official position in the Lib-Dem party. I don't know if he holds office in Hornsey and Wood Green constituency  - but I would not be surprised if he does. He is committed to seeing Lynne Featherstone keep her seat in May.  To do that they have to undermine the local Labour vote.

We all may have political views, I will probably vote Labour in May, but I am quite happy to criticise policies and attitudes of that party. Clive's position is very, very different. I think he should declare his political affiliations when making posts like this one. It would  be the honourable thing to do.


No, you are not wrong John. Clive isn't standing at the GE, but he uses this platform to push his views about the other parties, especially Labour which is obviously the perceived threat for him.

I am just providing some balance to his continual attacks. And of course, his political allegiance is relevant to understanding his comments.

Once more the face of UK politics is about to follow the trend seen in Europe. For instance in Germany the liberals (also yellow) have been wiped off the map completely (from 93 seats to 0) and now only receive 2-3% of the vote nationally. No obituaries for the LDs yet, but I'm already thinking about what I want to write. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Democratic_Party_%28Germany%29#El...



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