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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I came across the following article in the Telegraph yesterday and thought it was a bit OTT to be honest:


"A parish council has proposed plans to use DNA testing on dog waste in a bid to catch owners who allow their pets to soil the pavement."

And then of course this morning I stepped in a poo on my way to work!!

BTW Hugh, is it possible to do polls on HoL?

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It's a step too far

Dog owners would have to consent to the taking of hair etc samples from their dog. Yeah, right.

A step too far, yes - and yes, polls are possible.

Yeh.... I worked with a woman who suffered from (I believe) toxoplasmosis. She was going slowly blind (in her 20s) because she managed to ingest something wretched in her youth, and it was slowly and painfully destroying her retinas.

I know it is a relatively unique case, but her plight has stuck with me, and to be honest, and let's face it, it really is awful navigating round piles of crap on the streets.If we have the technology we should use it!

Toxoplasmosis breeds in the stomachs of cats, not dogs. It's usually harmless and it's suspected that most people in the UK have it (90% in France!) but of course it can be really dangerous in some people. Do not readthe wiki page if you are squeamish! I love that it's thought to have psychological implications from humans as well as mice. If this was an evolutionary thing do you think it had is wandering mindlessly into the paths of the big cats of Africa like mice infected with it do with domestic cats now? Very cool but, yucky.

Toxocara Canis is the worm found in dogs that can lead to blindness in humans.

I think this was the one... Either way it was not nice.

I think it's almost impossible to enforce this without resorting to these sorts of methods - as far as I can see it is either this or non stop CCTV (which then of course requires some way of matching the dog/owner on camera) to a specific dog.

Over the last 12 years I've spent far too much time while walking up and down the passage trying to think of some way of tackling the problem - but if you can't just rely on dog owners to do the right thing (most do I'm sure, but personally I think some owners will simply never do so, no matter how many leaflets go round or posters go up) then what else is left but these intrusive sorts of methods?

The alternative I suspect is just accepting that there will always be a tiny minority who don't clean up and focusing effort on making sure that the results are tidied away quickly and effectively.

If its not a late (or early) April Fools joke, I think its an excellent idea.  The people who let their dogs crap in the road without picking it up are scum. 

I have been on at Haringey and Veolia for ages to clean the passage of the dog crap every morning before the schools - North & South Haringey, open.  The thing is, it won't take them long.  But they came up with lame excuses.  If we all email Councillors and the Chief Exec, maybe they will listen. I am sure if the chief exec or his children step in it every day, they'd get it cleaned.


Do you think the scum will volunteer to have their animals placed on a doggy DNA register ?

It's just another wacky proposal where the law-abiding, responsible citizen will have to pay for the sins of the misbegotten minority.

Totally agree it feels completely unrealistic today not least because of likely cost of DNA sampling and frankly the idea of a poop warden just seems very far fetched. But over the longer term, I think introduction of DNA sampling as standard at the time of micro-chipping isn't quite some far fetched (even on voluntary basis given 99% of pet owners do the right thing, and perhaps this could be recognised by wearing a special coloured collar or whatever). For those that don't comply perhaps for a first offence the fine could be waived or halved subject to DNA registration (although this relies on not inconsiderable assumption that anyone has ever been or will ever be successfully fined in the first place - which I still find hard to imagine). Or registration could just become compulsory in urban areas.

Having said all that, now that I've got the poo off my shoe I do feel a bit less strongly about it all...

HOLers are hilariously silent on the subject of Cat poo! When I lived on the Gardens manky Harringay cats pooing in my garden was a huge problem (and much more likely to make one of us ill while playing, gardening etc) than dog poo in the street!

Polite cats bury it, only the top cat in the neighbourhood leaves it out. Dogs, not so civilised.



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