Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Who saw the dispatches programme on 4 Myths of 5 a day and felt frustrated by its basic message that hopefully many of us are well aware of by now? How the food industry sells its process foods under the guise of healthy fare and our good friend Mcdonalds our sponsor of the olympics and healthy life styles has 70 spoonfuls of white sugar in each cup of its latest fruit drink that it claims has part of the 5 a day in it and gave a great point in defence of this that it does not come in a large size!

Here is a link with actual research to show that there is no real standing in its claim in the first place and that our real culprits of ill health is Sugar and Carbohydrates. To much fruit in a 5 a day can be as bad for you! Indeed some of the top nutritionalists questioned in the report it states did not know where the research for this recommendation came from nor could explain exactly why 5 a day was important for our health.

Would be interested to hear any other info on this subject or opinions.


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This seems a bit conspiratorial. Most sources I've read on the 5 a day recommend mostly veg with fruit as a minority of the portions and only one portion of fruit juice making up only one of those. And I think the Macdonalds thing is a seperate issue - surely no-one really believes anything from there is healthy. Going to McDonalds for a salad? it's like going to a prostitute for a hug.

I'd be interested to know of the sources that you have read from Sophie as I am finding this subject fascinating. I find the article really interesting from the point of view that it is important to understand the reasons for such recommendations and my frustrations in the past have been over how limited in knowledge health professionals and nutritionalists have been when I have questioned why the recommendations are as they are.

The research in the article really makes sense to me regarding the over consumption of sugar and excess of carbohydrates that we tend to consume in our society which inhibits the immune system and is therefore being considered the most important aspect of our diet that we need to tackle for optimum health in this article. I think many of us who think healthily still over consume in sugars and carbohydrates and this can cancel out any amount of veggies we eat. as these are  being found to be the culprits that damage the healthy working of the immune systems and as this article states a low immune system and impact from bacterial and viral scarring is  being noticed in scientific testing as possibly being the originating cause of thickening arteries as well rather than the overconsumtion of fats as people tend to believe.

70 spoonfuls of white sugar in a cup of fruit drink ? Shome mistake shurly ?

Blimey  I would hope so John please watch Myths of 5 a day on 4OD and prove me wrong! Even if it was 7 spoonfuls this would be enough to turn my stomache!

When the government advises on five portions of fruit or veg a day, it's likely that they mean in raw, whole, original, or minimally processed form. I doubt that a fruit smoothie or similar would qualify.

A distant relation is one of the US's leading oncologists; he once said to me the stomach is basically a large organ to process vegetable matter. So the idea that you eat too much (within reason) of what it is designed for, makes little sense.

I understand that over the last century our sugar intake (per capita per annum) has gone up around 10 fold - and in such a short space of time, our stomachs haven't evolved to cope.

I think sugar has become an addictive nunbing out substance for most of us!

For a calm and reasoned response to food and health I always turn to the Daily Mail. Pringles are a one way ticket to intensive care.

Did you watch 'The Men Who Made us Fat' on BBC recently? The last one wasn't so good but the first 2 were v interesting, especially the one about snacks/drinks and how the food industry quite literally created a gap in the market for them.


Chocolate Cookie Crumble Frappacino blended beverage anyone?

Best to eat a varied diet.

Also, a sensible rule of thumb might be to avoid excess consumption of foodstuffs that are manufactured by Official Sponsors of the Olympic Games

Ha! Here Here!!

The article talks of a tribe that ate mostly meat and another tribe that ate mostly cereals  and the tribe eating mostly meat was the healthier I think as much as I can remember from this afternoon anyhow...Although it didnt mention different cultural bodily needs, I would imagine different body types have different nutritional needs.  From there conclusion it seems just eating lots of veg is not necessarily the only way to optimum health though I dont remember any research mentioned on veg only eating. It seems eating less is definately better for you however and it is so easy to over consume in our society!



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