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Interesting 'green' community intiative in Peckham.

Interested to read this example of a community led intiative in Peckham from The Londonist

" a group of local residents have hatched an idea to start up a new business, which will bring green energy into people's homes in the area.

This is how it works - The Peckham Power Company will look at a household's energy use, and will then help supply sustainable technology and insulation to reduce people's bills and 'go green'. Apparently this will capitalise on a wave of new EU grants which will be available next year. The whole thing is run as a co-operative...

More here

Details of the launch next weekend can be found on their website

Useful to look at what people in other areas are managing to achieve and whether we can learn from them.

Tags for Forum Posts: community intiaitives, green

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Thanks for this Liz. I'm attending their conference Saturday with a few others.
Great, let us know what you find out. Make a good blog post maybe?
Had a very interesting afternoon at this community event organised in the main for residents of Peckham and looking at how people can come together to share information on reducing energy use within their own homes. This included workshops on various renewable energy options. There was even food provided by the community centre 'Spike'. Lovely it was too.

They are now in the process of setting up working groups to take things forward.

See reaction to the days events on video. There are other video for your interest as well.



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