Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hi all,

Last night my girlfriend and I went in to Yayla on the high street for a takeaway kebab.

When my girlfriend paid she noticed she had been short-changed by £5. When she went to point it out the server immediately returned exactly £5 without re-opening the till and without either my girlfriend pointing out the amount or the server enquiring what the amount was.

We had a few beers and were quite tipsy at the time and my feeling is that this may have led to her thinking she could get away with it. 

We hadn't seen the woman who served us before so she may be new but I can't confirm.

This is my first post here and I wouldn't be making it unless I was very confident that the short-changing was intentional.

It's a shame as we both usually really like Yayla but we won't be returning.

Just wanted to make other people aware.

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Wouldn't it have been fairer to complain to the management and given them an opportunity to respond?

We are in the process of complaining in writing though I am not sure what response would merit me not making other people aware of what happened.

Are you sure you want to claim someone stole money from you in writing on a forum when you don't have any proof and didn't raise it at the time with management? Seems pretty unfair if you actually made a mistake - it is possible you were wrong.

We go to Yayla all the time and we've always found them lovely. 

Sounds to me like she might have not noticed at the time that she gave you the wrong change  – easily done if she was distracted, tired or lost in her own thoughts – then realised it after you'd already left, hence why not surprised when you came back for it? It is a possibility anyway... Also I'd think that someone who intentionally tries to short-change somebody would be prepared to act a little surprised and apologetic?

We realised within a few seconds. The money wasn't taken from the till when returned to us...

Sounds like they're trying it on, good on you for reporting. They don't seem to have responded here yet, so they clearly can't be bothered. It it was my restaurant I would have been on here straigt away to try and rescue what was left of my reputation...

I use to always go in yayla quite a bit but I had 2 bad experinces in there and will never go back again.
1 of them was to do with how much I was charged as well.

A good principle for a successful trader is "Don't make a mug of your customer".

If it's considered more appropriate to remove this thread until I've had an official response from their management then please do so.

I would anticipate no response would alter my opinion on what took place but at the same time am open to other people's opinions on this and therefore wouldn't want to vilify where it is felt I shouldn't.

Complain to the management. They will do any/some of the following:

- Do nothing

- Apologise profusely, and return your money

- Apologise, and fire the person

- Accuse you of lying

Which of these would then negate the responsibility to make people aware that this happened? Personally, I'm glad to know to keep an eye on my change, as I wouldn't otherwise think to. This kind of thing happens all the time in any kind of place and its good to know when it does. It's not a slight on your favorite cafe!

I always feel concern when I see comments which may damage personal or commercial reputations, whether they be on Trip Advisor or HoL. However, I'm also keen to allow a channel for complaints where I can, so thus far, have tended to let allow things to run, unless I see reason to do otherwise (see our site rules).

If I delete threads such as this, a valuable channel of local complaint is strangled. If I anonymise such threads, arguably all local businesses are put under suspicion and impacted. It's a tough call for me. So whilst, as the Dragon Vets thread showed, the simplest course for me is to press the big red button, I let threads run where they appear to be informed by a motive other than maliciousness (though, yes, of course that's a difficult judgement to make).

I also think that it's important that traders have the right to reply. So yesterday, I personally spoke with both the Chair and the Treasurer of the Harringay Traders Association and asked that they alert the restaurant to this thread and recommend they respond. They both promised to do so.

In the meantime, since HoL does get picked up in Google results, to calibrate the impact of this thread, I have taken the restaurant's name out of the title and the thread's url. It already appears high on the results of a search for "Yayla Harringay" and I hope these edits will lessen an impact which was probably neither foreseen nor intended when the original thread was posted.


Thanks Hugh

My response is that we live in london and yes green lanes, if i actually bother to check my change when i go out at night, esp if i have had a couple of drinks, I so often find Ive been  short changed( I always get my money back though)

I try to blacklist the place off my places to go, but never lasts long because

a/ i really like the place

b/I try to make sure where ever I go, I make a point of checking my change

sorry to say this is london, but just think of the benefits



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