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How local listing of buildings can help in a planning decision

What is a local list? Here's the definition from the Haringey Council website:

A local listed building is a building or structure of architectural or historic interest which does not qualify for inclusion in the statutory list, but which in the opinion of the Council makes a valuable contribution to the character of an area.

Civic Voice flagged up this week a case where the Planning Inspector make reference to a local heritage list when refusing an appeal to a development. Although stating that the Local List was not the reason for the rejection, the Inspector did say:

"Whilst I accept that the heritage value of a building on a local list is not as great as a statutorily listed building and it does not have the same degree of protection, the fact that number 95 is of local importance adds weight to my findings" 

You can read the decision here [pdf]

Haringey Council do have a register of locally listed buildings which is available as a pdf - it may not be much but it could be another small weapon in the armoury against rampant development. Are all our treasured landmarks on it?

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This is the correct link for the LBH local listings. (And this is the LBH page about Listed Buildings overall. )

Of course local listing is ignored by LBH when it suits - eg Wards Corner is locally listed. Cllr Peacock, chair of the first Planning meeting about it, said she couldn't wait to see it razed to the ground.

I don't think that councils feel particularly bound by their own listings but Civic Voice 's point was that there is precedent now for listing to influence the planning inspectorate.
I stopped listening to party attack dogs years ago. I suppose they become dangerous when allowed to sit on committees. In many cases it would seem it's convenient for them to take the flak rather than their masters or mistresses.
Whoops! Sorry about that. Well I suppose it proves that someone reads my ramblings about conservation :)



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