Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Here is the GLSG new constitution which will be decided on tonight

Someone sent me this. There's a GLSG meeting tonight where they decide about it.

Terms of Reference for the Green Lanes Strategy Group


The Association’s aim is to work to make the Green Lanes area thrive economically, flourish socially, and be regenerated for current and future residents and businesses. The Association aims to foster an area where people are proud to live and work without fear of crime. In this it will be guided by principles of the Green Lanes Charter or superseding local plan.

Defined Area:

The Green Lanes Area shall be defined as that area bounded to the south by Endymion Road and Arena Trading Estate, to the west by Wightman Road, to the north by Turnpike Lane and West Green Road, and to the east by Black Boy Lane and Warwick Gardens.


Founder Members:

The 4 key constituted umbrella organisations within the above defined area, ie. Woodlands Park Resident Association (WRPA), Ladder Community Safety Partnership (LCSP), Gardens Residents Association (GRA) and Green Lanes Traders Association (GLTA) (each with up to 2 representatives appointed by meetings of those organisations); and the elected ward Councillors of Harringay and St. Ann’s.

Group Members:

One representative appointed by established/constituted local groups as agreed by the members.

Groups may be invited to join or may apply to join the GLSG.

In addition:

Key local individuals co-opted or invited by the GLSG to contribute in their areas of interest or expertise.

Metropolitan Police and Council officers will also attend as appropriate.


1. Chair, Vice Chair/Treasurer, Secretary and such other officers as the GLSG shall decide, elected from and by the members. Officers will be appointed for no longer than two years.

2. The Chair and Vice Chair will:
a. Ensure the efficient conduct of meetings;
b Ensure all members are treated equitably and have a proper opportunity to express their views when debating decisions of the Group;
c. Ensure the GLSG receives appropriate professional advice from LBH officers or external advisers or others when necessary;
d Represent the GLSG where necessary.

Chair’s Action:

  1. The Chair may be approached to take decisions on urgent matters that must be advanced too quickly for their inclusion in meetings. In such circumstances, the Chair is delegated to take such decisions, after involving as many other Members as possible. The Chair shall report any Chair’s Actions to the next meeting.
  2. It is intended that Chair’s Actions will be kept to the absolute minimum possible.
  3. In the absence or unavailability of the Chair, a Vice-Chair will act for him or her


The GLSG may establish such working groups, panels, forums or advisory groups as it considers necessary. All bodies established shall have clear terms of reference. The GLSG may terminate any Sub-Group at any time.

Sub-Groups may co-opt individuals who have particular expertise or experience to contribute.

Remit of Green Lanes Strategy Group:

The following list is to act as a guide to the remit of the GLSG. It is not intended to be exhaustive.

  1. Terms of Reference, Constitution and Membership.
  2. Operation of the GLSG.
  3. Initiatives and Funding bids.
  4. Income and budget.
  5. Cross-borough/Town Centre Plans and workings.
  6. Bridge and Gateways.
  7. Street Scene and Enforcement.
  8. HMOs.
  9. Crime and Police (including Safer Neighbourhoods Teams).
  10. Parking and Highways.
  11. Planning and Licencing
  12. Green Spaces
  13. Green Lanes Festival
  14. Xmas Tree/Lantern Parade
  15. Bug Hotel
  16. Other projects as agreed by GLSG members.


  1. The GLSG shall meet on a regular cycle.
  2. Meetings will normally last no longer than two hours.
  3. Meetings shall be advertised to all members, and approved minutes will be made publicly available.
  4. Notices of meetings will be circulated to GLSG members at least 7 days in advance of the meeting.
  5. Special meetings may be called for urgent business by the Chair or Vice Chair, provided at least three clear days notice is given to members of the GLSG.
  6. Items for inclusion on the agenda shall be submitted to the Secretary at least seven days prior to the meeting. Inclusion of any item shall be at the discretion of the Chair.
  7. The Chair may direct, after consultation with other officers, that certain agenda items are confidential. These items will appear on the main agenda, but will be discussed by Founder Members only following the remainder of the agenda items.
  8. All meetings of the GLSG shall be minuted.
  9. Detailed minutes of agenda items deemed to be confidential will be redacted from minutes circulated to those who did not participate in the discussion of those items.
  10. Minutes of meetings shall be circulated with the agenda for the next meeting.
  11. Meetings shall be chaired by the Chair or in his/her absence the Vice Chair.
  12. The quorum for meetings shall be one third of the total number of Members. Three of those attending must be local residents.
  13. The Chair will move that the minutes of the previous meeting be agreed as a correct record. The only part of the minutes that can be discussed is their accuracy.
  14. The GLSG may accept deputations of people with a local connection who wish to raise an issue in person with the GLSG. Those wishing to form a deputation shall contact one of the members or Key Partners in the first instance, who will contact the Chair to seek agreement. Deputations shall only be allowed at the discretion of the Chair.


  1. Consensus
    Unless these Terms of Reference provide otherwise, any matter will be decided by consensus between the members.
  2. Chair's decision
    If no consensus can be reached, the Chair may request a vote on the matter under consideration. Unless otherwise provided for in these Terms of Reference, the matter shall then be decided by a simple majority of the members present and voting by show of hands. The Chair shall have a casting vote.

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Unlike the secrecy about regeneration in Tottenham, which was designed specifically to avoid savoury elements like ward councillors and local residents finding out what was going on.

Actually the GLSG are mainly democrats and among the "good guys". Well there are perhaps a few councillors who haven't caught up with the 21st century approach to access to council meetings.

But hey, you know what? It just takes time to get used to new things. Twenty years, twenty-five years; keep going. Like riding a bike, you'll get it eventually. And once you do, you'll never forget how to do it.


(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

Nicely done, Phil.

I was going to say that the Highgate NHF which Phil linked to seems to be good example of how a community group should operate, and then I saw this in the 'What sorts of People live in Highgate' (but tbf it does say it's a view from one business database)

"The purple postcodes, the “New Urban Colonists”, form London’s liberal intelligentsia. Attracted to diversity, they are happy to bring up children in high density streets of terraced houses overrun with books. These neighbourhoods are characterised by very well educated wives"

Yeah keep those books out of your house and don't put more effort into your daughter's education than your son's.

Thanks Phil. You're a real star for doing that.

Phil: First, thanks for turning up on two occasions to talk to us and second, thank you for your kind words


We have agreed a draft ToR that we have agreed I will post on HOL once it has been typed up and proofread.  Probably Thursday as it has to be ready for the LCSP meeting that evening, but don't hold your breath as I might find something more interesting to do!

Thanks Geoff.

There used to be a group of people called "The HarringayOnline Sustainability Group". I joined it because I thought it had something to do with running a low power/resource website but actually it was because people were worried that if Hugh was hit by a bus, HoL would die. The second ever meeting was in the Salisbury Hotel. It was the first time I'd ever met Andy Newman. As much as I admire him now he behaved like a common mafia thug at that meeting. He snarled and banged his fist on the table. He was very concerned with us airing things in public that should remain private, things about The Gardens of course.

Hi john if I remember right I was asked to attend the meeting by Hugh Liz and Birdy which was to help constitute HOL the meeting was called by Birdie. I supplied our GRA constitution so we could help HOL become more accountable and as it needed funding. This also developed into a discussion on being respectful of people on line and setting up rules of being on line. Further to this I insisted that publishing minutes with out prior permission was unacceptable behaviour, I assume this is what your refuring too when I got cross with Hugh. Ironic that HOL did not get there by getting constituted or a terms of reference. Sadly the above has happened again with publishing items on HOL without prior permission this was a draft document not ready for publishing, no permission was asked.

Further to this i was surprised to see Phil at the meeting last night as two reps from the Gardens Residents Assoc attend the GLSG meetings on his behalf as well as his 3 councillors. These GRA reps are elected at our agm and cllrs at the local elections. So there were 4 reps at this meeting representing the gardens. Phil if you have items to be raised please bring them to our or your cllrs attention. Ant as I've mentioned before you are represented by the two ladder reps and 3 cllrs, and I'm amazed also you would publish this without prior permission or with out discussions with the Chair (Zena) of the group at least. This is exactly why the group has a trust problem with HOL, some of us have been fighting your corners, and yet again you shoot the messengers, sadly I find this very disrespectful behaviour yet again?

You have, as a group, lied to Hugh about the Harringay vs. Green Lanes thing. Trust is a two way street.

The meeting may have looked like it was called by Birdy but we had elected him as chair of the sustainability group. The remit of the sustainability group was purely to make sure we could pay the site's bills.

Andy, in fact we have repeatedly asked Zena for this and received no reply. Both here on HoL and in private emails. Along with that i have repeatedly being asking for the agenda and minutes of the meetings and i've been asking for these for nearly two years and get very little back other than excuses. Most of the minutes that we have up on the HoL wiki page were got with a Freedom of Information request -a FOI request should take 20 days to be action, that one took nearly three months of phone calls and emails chasing it up and was only actioned after starting on the FOI appeals process.

You say i am represented there by the two ladder reps and 3 cllrs, however those people are seemingly not able to communicate anything about what is being done, or pass on any minutes or agendas, or even when a meeting is happening.

When the group operates with such secrecy while at the same time claiming to do things under the guise of representing us and having our mandate how in the world can you be surprised that we share the odd things that get leaked!

Hi Ant

I've just checked our extensive email correspondence. I am unclear what it is that you've asked for that I haven't provided. Let me know specifically and post on line what is I haven't done. 



Zena Brabazon
Cllr, St. Ann's Ward



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