Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I just picked up the following on Twitter:

The Twitter account leads to the website of a company who are apparently making a killing renting phone equipment cabinets as advertising billboards. 

I have asked Haringey Council about their position this. I hope they'll be at least as strict with this company as they have apparently been with Jessica when she sought to put up a little advertising about Harringay Market.

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There's one near our house that we've been using as an aquarium, prompted by a post a while back (from Liz or Alison?) about decorating them. What was nice was that after we stuck some fish on it other people started adding more, i don't know who, so it gathered quite a collection of sea creatures. Unfortunately just last night someone graffiti'd all over it. Grrr. Do you think the council graffiti cleaning people would clean it up for us?

Lovely quietly successful ultra-hyperlocal community collaboration project. First class. (That's your second gold star this term, Ant!).

Try Veolia (On a more wide scale basis there's some good PR in it for them. So, it might be worth trying to connect nationally as well as locally). Also contact the Neighbourhood Action Team (via drop-down from 'Public Services' in black Navigation bar below the site banner). I'm not sure who carries responsibility for this.

I never did reply back on this - they did eventually come and clean this up, and did a great job too, trying really hard so it only lost a couple of fish.

Rather than commercial ads, how about an Art project? I don't know how it worked in Brighton but their street cabinets are painted with well-executed (ie not sad tagging) street art. I'll collect some pics next time I'm there. They always make me smile.  

Does that mean people will have to stop using the one at the bottom of Seymour Road as a toilet?

You'll need to call Cabin-a-pee Ltd. about whether they're coming to any arrangement with the new company.

Boom boom tish. Actually I am always tempted to take on those peers (?) but I think that unlike them I would be peeing against the wind.   

We can expect ever more imaginative uses of "street furniture".

Is Nico Hogg's photo a trial of a money-saving idea for the local elections? (Click on the photo to see the original.)


Just as £2m is to be spent making GL more attractive etc, this as an idea? If you have ever been to the US, my one impression of some parts of it are that it is inundated with advertising signs and boards, even more so than the UK. It just makes a place look shabby. 

If it meant that it would prevent cuts in vital front line services I would say brilliant, however it wont.

And to be pedantic, the Harringay Market (which is a business of businesses) posters have been put on property that doesn't belong to them. There has to be a line drawn between fly posting, community events, lost pets and business's using other peoples property to advertise their ventures.

"If it meant that it would prevent cuts in vital front line services I would say brilliant, however it won't."

Even if it would prevent cuts, Birdy, I'd still say 'no'. Why?

Thin end of wedge. Give 'em an inch they take a mile. Although with this particular example the best expression is probably "the nose of the camel". Where having a warm nose inside the tent flap means the camel (and its friends) will quickly want to come into the tent. 

Naomi Klein refers to "Disaster Capitalism". There's a (financial) crisis. And hey, what do you know? Commercial firms are queuing-up to offer sure-fire solutions. Like selling-off public assets; or renting them for ads. What's next? Privatising hospitals and schools?



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