Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

As a result of another post added earlier today, I took a quick tour along the GOBLIN line on Google Maps to see what state the other bridges were in. To maximise fairness, I went east. 

Theer are 34 bridges between Harringay and Wanstead. Most are over small residentaial roads. Some are very smart a few could do with a bit of care, but none is halfway as bad as Harringay Bridge, even the slightly shabby one at the end of my line.

I wonder why Harringay's Bridge has been singled out for such woeful neglect?

Click the tag beneath this post to read the story of inaction over the bridge during the past decade.

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I mused the same thing at "6" here. However having made that comment, I looked at the other bridges to the east and am now less convinced that accessibility is a factor. Also remember, I said that Camden Road Bridge is graffitied, but it's quickly overpainted. It seems to be an inexplicable case of neglect. 

Sorry, Hugh, I missed that and the subsequent comments by not looking far enough. I suspect you're right that it's failure to respond to the graffitists (if that's the term) as much as their initial access. Camden Council gets its share of brickbats, too, but it looks as though civic pride's a bit stronger there - or maybe they have a better relationship with Network Rail. 

I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that it’s the Camden BID that gets it sorted. 

My money it has far easier Access than other Bridges. 

Mayor is looking for Community Projects and has a large Fund

I have to disagree, Harringay GL bridge may be shabby, but it is in a reasonable state, some bridges around Wanstead Park are much worse, on some the steel plates have rusted through!
In 1993 a BR Watford Civil Engineers' report recommended closure of the T&GF section (East of S Tottenham) due to the steel bridges being life expired and the T&H section (West of S Tottenham) electrified & diverted into Stratford via Tottenham Hale. That threat only ended with privatisation. The whole line was on minimal maintenance for 50 years. After a River Lea bridge abutment failed after privatisation, Railtrack slowly started to address the maintenance backlog and Network Rail speeded up the process and a number of bridges were renewed. BGORUG thought the remaining original (1893-4) bridges would be dealt with during the electrification blockades but they were just patched up and not even repainted.
If you want HGL bridge repainted, get the council to it. It will be cheaper than Network Rail contracting it out and they will agree to the council painting the sides facing the street and underside. I favour dark blue or dark grey lower sides with orange upper sides.



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