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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Haringey has just released it key strategic planning documents for consultation.  There's no two ways about it, this is dull stuff; it's heavy going. But if you plan to be around for a few years, we all ought to spend a bit of time reading it. It WILL dramatically shape where you live.

Here's the consultation letter: 

The Council is writing to consult on Haringey’s draft development plan documents.  This suite of documents will form the new Haringey Local Plan, which will become the basis upon which planning applications are decided in the borough. As part of the statutory plan making process, the Council is required to consult. We would be grateful for your comments on the proposed documents during the coming consultation period.

Subject matter:

The four Development Plan Documents below will form Haringey’s Local Plan for the period to 2026.

  • Alterations to the Strategic Policies (DPD) (adopted 2013)
  • Draft Tottenham Area Action Plan: Preferred Option
  • Draft Development Management Policies (DPD): Preferred Option
  • Draft Site Allocations (DPD): Preferred Option

The Strategic Policies sets out the Council’s spatial strategy for how Haringey will develop and grow over the period to 2026. A partial review is proposed to take account of new growth requirements for the Borough as set out in the London Plan as well as the findings of updated evidence base studies. A schedule of proposed changes is subject to public consultation and comment.

The draft Tottenham Area Action Plan proposes a comprehensive set of policies, proposals and site allocations for future development within the Tottenham area based around the four neighborhoods of Tottenham Hale, Bruce Grove, Seven Sisters/Tottenham Green, & North Tottenham.

The draft Development Management Policies DPD sets out the policies that will be used to assess and determine planning applications for development across the borough. Once adopted, the policies will supersede those contained in the Haringey Unitary Development Plan (2006).

The draft Site Allocations DPD allocates ‘proposal sites’ for development where opportunities have been identified, and identifies new or revised designations to which planning policies will apply (including shopping frontages and reclassification of industrial designated land), outside of the Tottenham AAP area. Once adopted, the proposal sites and designations will appear on the Haringey policies map, replacing that which accompanies the Haringey Unitary Development Plan (2006).

Area covered:

The draft Tottenham Area Action Plan area comprises the wards of Northumberland Park, Tottenham Hale and Tottenham Green, and parts of the Bruce Grove, St. Ann’s and Seven Sisters.

The Strategic Policies (Partial Review) and draft Development Management Policies apply to the entire Borough, while the draft Site Allocations DPD applies to that part of the Borough outside of the draft Tottenham AAP boundary.

Period within which representations must be made:

Representations can be made over the six week publication period, beginning on Monday 9th February and ending at 5pm on Friday 27th March 2015.

Where have the documents been made available, and the places and times at which they can be inspected:

The four DPDs and supporting documentation are available for inspection at the following locations:

  • Council’s Local Plan Consultation website: www.haringey.gov.uk/localplan ;
  • Council’s Planning Office: River Park House, 6th Floor, Wood Green, N22 8HQ;
  • Council’s Civic Offices, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE;
  • During normal opening hours at all Haringey Council Libraries.

Making a representation:

The Council welcomes comments on the four DPDs.  At this early stage in the plan making process there is no prescribed form for how comments are to be made, however, it does help the Council to analyse comments if the comment references the part or section of the document to which they apply.  The Council would also encourage people to suggest the changes they would make to the document to address their concern. 

Representations can be made:

  • by email at: ldf@haringey.gov.uk; or
  • by post to: Local Plan Consultation, Planning Policy, Haringey Council, River Park House, 225 High Road, Wood Green, London N22 8HQ.

Please note that all representations received will be made publicly available. If you wish to be notified about the progress of the plan, please note this in your response to the consultation.

Comments must be received by 5pm on Friday 27th March 2015. 

Further information:

For any further enquiries, please email ldf@haringey.gov.uk or contact the Local Plan Team on Tel. 020 8489 1479.

Yours sincerely,


Stephen Kelly

Assistant Director, Planning

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