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Haringey Mayor Sheila Peacock guilty of abusing position ‘for personal advantage’

Mayor of Haringey and veteran Labour councillor Sheila Peacock has been found guilty of trying use her powers of office to exert undue influence for personal advantage, writes the Broadway Ham and High

Haringey Council’s Standards Committee this week took the rare step of censuring her for trying “to secure an improper advantage for herself” by sending two letters on Mayoral headed paper “about a personal matter”.

Although further details were not published, the letters are understood to relate to a family member and were sent last autumn by email from her council laptop.

In a decision that will be an embarassment to the Haringey Labour group, the committee ruled that Cllr Peacock had “attempted to secure an improper advantage for herself” and had “failed to use the resources of the council in accordance with its reasonable requirements”, and thereby “also brought her office as Mayor into disrepute”.

It found that while “the contents of the letter were essentially those a member of the public could have raised”, Cllr Peacock tried to “get attention given to her concerns by using her Mayoral title, letterhead and e-mail address”. The opposition Liberal Democrat leader Cllr Richard Wilson has called for her to resign as Mayor “for the sake of the borough”.


Story by Stephen Moore

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The quotes around what she was found guilty of are apt. The full story is not told here but the Sun would have a field day with it because she is the "Baby P Mayor".

Like me, Sheila Peacock told people that 2010-2014 was going to be her last four years as a councillor. Which was eminently sensible. Then somehow she seems to have been persuaded (flattered?) into going for another four years.  A real shame since Sheila might have retired on a high note. Instead of being shamed for abuse of her public office.

Sheila ought now to withdraw her nomination as a council candidate. Although I don't suppose she will.   If she is elected it will simply make things worse, as she hangs on in disgrace for another four years.

But the worst thing is nothing to do with headed Mayoral notepaper. Out of all Haringey's wards, Northumberland Park has the most pressing need for the very best councillors as champions, advocates and defenders.

Instead of swanning about in chains and silly hats playing Toytown mayors, all three Northumberland Park councillors should be battling privately and publicly for their ward and other parts of Tottenham.

They shouldn't be gagged as members of Kober's "cabinet" like John Bevan - a decent hard working councillor who has some strong principles and whose heart is in the right place. Nor tied up in Mayoral chains as part of Claire Kober's wider "payroll vote". Instead they should be exposing and opposing the Tory social cleansing policies of Kober and her Muswell Hill chums and their right-wing allies.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

At last, it's out.  

This is The-thing-that-shall-not-be-named we have all been sidling around for the past few weeks.

Lydia Rivlin: Conservative Party candidate, Harringay Ward.


What? You mean this person?

Alison Vydulinska

Principal Lawyer, Corporate

Haringey Council

7th Floor, Alexandra House, 10 Station Road,

Wood Green, London N22 7TR

I suspect you and Phil may be barking up the wrong tree.

From the little I've heard on my grapevine, the case involves confidential personal data about people living in another borough. So it's right that this should not be public.

What's more interesting is the timing of the release of information and date of the Standards Committee hearing. This is a committee which according to the Council's website is now entirely made up of councillors. (I've phoned but have not yet been able to check this.)  It seems to have met after nominations closed for the local elections. Plainly its findings were not made public until after candidates were safely in place.

If I'm correct, then that in itself is a disgrace.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

Phil, I looked again at Stephen Moore's news report  in the Ham&High. It gives the date as today 2 May, and refers to "Haringey Council’s Standards Committee this week"  as when it took the decision to censure Sheila Peacock.  So I assume the Committee met sometime in the week beginning Monday 28 April.

I don't know, but I'd assume that something as important and serious as this may not have been dealt with at a single meeting. I hear that Sheila was represented by a barrister. And it's possible that witnesses may have been called. If one or more of my assumptions is accurate then reasonable arrangements would have had to be agreed so that these various people could all attend.

Which means that some delay may have been entirely reasonable in order to comply with the rules of Natural Justice.  And to show that the Committee was being scrupulously fair.

On the other hand, there are the interests of the electors of Northumberland Park to consider. And that clearly meant setting dates and times for a hearing - and perhaps a further meeting to discuss and decide on the outcome - so if at all possible, the whole process could be concluded before the nomination papers went in. 

Electors in Northumberland Park ward can, of course, decide not to vote for Sheila Peacock.  What no Haringey elector can now do - were they so minded - is to read about the Standards Committee decision and decide to stand for election against her.

Nor could members of the Labour Party in Northumberland Park ward learning about the Standards Committee, suggest to Sheila that the time had come for her to stand down. As it now has.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

Chris Hewett in The Haringey Independent has a news item about the Standards Committee Report.  Chris's page (dated report, published late last night ... " (i.e. 1 May ).

The report is now online here.  It says the Standards Committee thought Sheila Peacock's actions were "serious".  Indeed so serious that the sanction given was for her to be "censured for her conduct".  In other words it's Tut-Tut-Time or perhaps even Tut-Tut-Tut on the naughty chair. 

In addition Sheila has to receive: "training on the Councillors’ Code of Conduct within three months of this hearing".

Though probably the most severe punishment was the third recommendation:

"to the Leader of the Labour Group that this decision be taken into consideration when making appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees of the Council and Outside Bodies." 

This probably means no more tricorn hats, red-riding-hood coats and lacey sleeves for Sheila. Ah well, four more well-past-their-sell-by-date councillors can have a turn with the dressing-up box.

So Phil, was the timing - after election nominations were in - purely a coincidence? It could be.  And not impossible for the reasons I gave before.  Barristers especially have crowded diaries.  But under the Kober Regime, do I really believe it's likely?  Of course not.

You have linked to a report about Cllr Pauline Gibson.

Thanks Pam. Swiftly corrected!


It took 18 months – a year and a half – from the date of my complaint against Cllr. Charles Adje, until the date of the Standards Determination Hearing that Found him to have brought the Council into disrepute and suspended him for four months. In view of the size of the losses involved in the Licence-to-Firoka, this could be seen as a light sanction.

I believe this delay to have been unreasonable in itself, unfair even to the Subject Member and anyway breaching the official timetable guidelines for dealing with such a Complaint.

Cllr. Adje was re-admitted to his Party and he now stands for re-election.

am a prospective councillor candidate
Highgate Ward | Liberal Democrat Party

Statement released via Haringey Labour

Cllr Peacock said: “I know that my conduct on this occasion has fallen short of the high standards I set for myself, which are required of me as a councillor and mayor.

“I recognise I made an error of judgement and I am deeply sorry. I take full responsibility for my actions.

“It was right for the Standards Committee to review this matter.”

via Haringey Indy



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