Council's Facebook page has now gone to show before and after pictures of the Borough's growing Dump issue
Which must be costing the Borough Millions Extra to have Scavenger crews working 7 Days a week on a Double Day Crewing
Yet very few Fines issued
Seems strange that they - Elected Councillors would not want the issue reduced
As Councils policy of just picking up dumped rubbish and not issuing Fines as a deterrent
Is just Wasting Rate Payers Funds
Not forgetting that When before a Court the Council can also request Expenses for bringing the Case to Court. As to cover its costs
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I'm amazed, too. Does anyone know how much Veolia charges for each pickup? I think someone told me it was £50
I am sure it not by the pick up. Remember when it went to Contractors it was by Service provided
They Charged by Teams on the Road and vehicles used
Yes, Haringey is lamentably slow to enforce the environmental regulations.
If we know who the landowner is, it is their responsibility to arrange and probably to pay for a clear-up, and it is unlawful to let dumped and rubbish spread around the surrounding area.
In two very protracted cases involving two landowners - L&Q Housing Association, and St Anne's Meadows - Haringey has been informed many times, officers have visited the sites and agree that the landowner must deal with the problem, but then does nothing to enforce the regulations. We all appreciate that Haringey staff face unreasonable pressures, but in the end this just creates more work for everyone, and encourages dumping.
The council do issue fines. In my opinion they’re also rather slack in it, but t seems to slightly increase. Cllr Seema Chadwani is cabinet member for environment and rather involved. Have a look at the Tidy up Tottenham where residents get involved, too.
Joke is much of the rubbish is Domestic and Trade
Which normally includes paperwork from suppliers etc. Especially in today's world where so much comes via delivery firms
Or rubbish left uncollected by Refuse teams as Not in Bins
Or Bags of Hedge Cuttings outside a property that Hedge has been cut
Also Beds and mattresses outside or near flats where tenants have be changed
Also upgrade work on properties
One day Rate Payers might wake up enough to Demand Elected Councillors Action
A search for "rubbish" on Harringay Online generates a list of 327 pages. Not every page has gems - or even something especially new. But there's a lot of useful stuff, some suggestions and frequently asked questions.
Time I think, to go beyond outrage, opinions, speculation, and demanding "action from elected councillors".
A Citizens' Scrutiny Panel could invite evidence and probe with questions, insisting on informed and practical answers. For example on a key question posed by the apparent collapse of the plastic recycling systems we've relied on. Many if not most people want to do 'the right thing' in our buying and recycling. I'm beginning to worry in case we may have been conned.
So the Council carries on Spending Extra Millions Collecting rubbish from Our Streets. Without Offenders paying the Penalty
Would be better value to go back to weekly Rubbish Collections
Big issue since Cleansing Contract was awarded is the massive growth in Fast Food
Majority gets food stained so Not recyclable so has to go in Waste Bins, as bins are often overfilled it cannot so gets put in bags and dumped around Bins
And Large Houses turned into Flats and houses into rooms. Mostly not correctly rated . Leading to not enough bins for property users
Issue for me as a Retired Cleansing Inspector that Dumping can be reduced when it cost the offenders time and money
Also being Wound up by the Councils Posts that the Council will Not tolerate Dumping And keeps posting the few times Officers take Action
Best Joke was the other month when 20 plus Council / Police etc did a joint operation in Wood Green. Posted a picture of them All Standing outside Morrisons. Advising that less than ten Notices was issued
I am a Member of Local Residents Group. And Only seen one Ward Councillors Was not impressed with Her. Advised at other Residents meetings that Councillors was involved in Party issues
Thought they was Elected and paid to look after Ward Residents . Yes I have seen amounts paid to Councillors these days , standing Rate and what some claim as expenses
Another joke is seeing people drive to a location where Cleansing crews have breaks. Dumping rubbish aware that crews will Collect it, as seen in the area
Re Recycling. Issue with Plastics is they are Not All recyclable
As many are discovering when using Supermarket Collection machines . Which rejects many plastic containers
Plus its cheaper to buy new production beads. Than try and recycle old
But there is markets for Glass and Cans
At least in Haringey they can be Burnt for Heat and Energy . Not the best but far better than being landfilled or Dumped overseas
Even worse. Veolia do not adhere to their cleaning policy I.e residential streets swept once a week. The council doesn't even enforce what we are paying for. A breach of policy is a major thing and once more shows that the usual labour way of blaming others doesn't fly ("central govt funding").
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