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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Copy of email sent to Haringey Enterprise.

I live on Lausanne Rd, N8. This road is clearly marked as 7.5t access only.

This week I have been visited every morning (Tuesday twice!) by the recycling truck VX05FDJ,

Tuesday at 622 and 701

Wednesday 624

Thursday 627

Friday 625

This is about 5 minutes before my alarm goes off so it is driving me mad. There is a huge amount of noise, I hear the truck coming from a long way away, there is a speed hump outside my house and the truck hits it with some force.

Please tell the driver of this truck, in fact, tell all your drivers that they are not to use the ladder roads as a cut through and that when they come out of West Green Road opposite the Queen’s Head they are to turn right and continue up Green Lanes to Turnpike Lane unless they are collecting recycling/rubbish on the ladder.

If I see this truck again next week other than on Monday when my recycling is collected I will contact the police.

John McMullan

Harringay Ladder resident

I'll let you know how I get on but I'd also appreciate knowing if this is going on elsewhere. I know there are other trucks doing this as well but this guys is taking the mickey.

Tags for Forum Posts: 7.5t, access, hgv, ladder, short-cut, trucks

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This morning at 630 I had VX05VXJ make a flying visit down my road and then VX54OXD at 635.

My bluff about the police appears to have been called :(

Enterprise are being very slow to respond.
Ah, but they won't. It's just not worth their time. Apparently they've done it once in the past and not had a great hit rate.

Personally I would love to see them stopping every other car going down Green Lanes and checking for registration, driving licence et al.

Anyway, no enterprise trucks this morning...
Your request for "quiet enjoyment" of your home is perfectly reasonable. (Though as a councillor I'd have made a softer first approach to Haringey Enterprise). Did you ever get reply from them? I hope the trucks aren't displaced down another Ladder road.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I was reminded of the bit in My Cousin Vinny where New York lawyer Vinny (Joe Pesci) finally gets to sleep like a baby in a small Alabama town. When the background noise isn't cows or freight trains, but sirens in the local jail.
A reply ended up in my spam filter. I've had no "visits" for over a week. Yes, I was a bit heavy handed with the police reference, I'm not a nice person if I lose out on those last 10 minutes before the alarm and maybe they know that the police are not interested in crimes like that.

Anyway, here is the reply (and you can't ask for better than that):

Dear Mr. McMullan,

Your complaint regarding the above vehicle has been passed to me to deal with.

This is a recycling collection vehicle. I have spoken to the Interim Recycling Service Operations Manager, Stelaki Vachos, and asked him to direct the driver of the vehicle to use the main road network to navigate around the borough.

I trust that this will be sufficient to resolve your complaint but if this is not the case then please let me know.

Yours sincerely

Michael McNicholas

Client & Performance Manager

T: 020 8889 6618
I never see the truck that comes up Effingham road every morning at around 6.30am and flies over the speed bump outside my house with such force that the house actually shakes. It is quite alarming and i wonder if it is connected
Tina Edwards



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