Sticking these leaflets in every tree is aimed at adults not young people. It's quite a sophisticated diversion project which tries to help those unfortunates who suffer from too much time online. Then - when we do venture out, blinking into daylight - it's often to photograph dumping and litter and other nastier aspects of Haringey streets.
This excellent new initiative - part of the Greener Hurrah Strategy - gently encourages us to leave our screens, and pay attention to trees, grass and other unfamiliar nature stuff.
Alan - you mean it's designed for Community Champions? Someone in the council has a sense of humour. Or maybe they're trying to divert from any online propaganda activity getting out of control ... curb the enthusiasm.
Permalink Reply by Liz on January 8, 2009 at 13:54
I have to admit I didn't get this at all because I only looked at the photo and not the caption.
I had a horrible idea that it was some cost cutting play scheme, where the kids had manuals for telling them what to do instead of humans...but then I thought surely not. That would never happen, would it?
It wasn't until I was sent back to look at the caption that the penny dropped...