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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

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One of the Reasons to vote........

Im Voting Green today....I agree with Maggie and Philip Foxe.-they are anti TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership)

If you want democracy to be protected and big business to be stopped from taking over all aspects of our lives -the environment, public services incl the NHS, protection to workers, etc then vote Green.

They are the only Party that have actively campaigned against this pernicious secretive trade deal to that will  remove regulatory barriers that stop transatlantic multi nationals making more  profits.

Andy Burnham of Labour believes they can negotiate their way out but John Hilary of War in Want (and others) understand that once this  treaty is signed it ties in any service not exempted for ever. (Do look at the excellent War on Want link/booklet) 

When I first saw this on Twitter I thought it was cynical manipulation of the HoL twitter feed by the Greens. Now I see it's you FPR and realise it's just more bitcoin like ramping ;)

If you did want to "tweet" a link to all HoLs thousands of followers just start a discussion with a snazzy title and the first bit of the discussion a shortened version of your URL.

The Green Party Party may poll single digits nationally however in London there is a standing Green MEP who we can vote for. This is not 'first past the post' guys!

(Standing MEPs in London are Con 3,Labour 2, Green 1, LibDem 1, UKIP 1)

I am voting anti TTIP.
TTIP is a disastrous policy supported by Con/ Lib Dem and unfortunately Labour.
The Greens have been campaigning in Europe against TTIP, in fact it was Germany Green Party that leaked confidential papers on the secret TTIP negotiations otherwise we would not know that large corporations will be given increased rights to sue sovereign governments directly, if democratic decisions affect their profits. (eg, vote nationally against fracking ? the big companies will sue)

Parties standing in the EU elections opposing TTIP are the Greens and the National Health Action Party.


TTIP is an absolute corporate nightmare ready to happen. It is the reason I am voting Green in the Euros. UKIP plays the anti europe card but they are pro privatisation and selling off the NHS and so being out of the EU will be no protection. BTW I have emailed all the London MEPs and only Greens and Labour replied. Labour are opposed to much of TTIP so they are not a lost cause. The majority in Europe is conservative so please vote Left whatever on Thursday.

Phil K, are you suggesting I vote UKIP? I've never been so insulted. Apart from racism and xenophobia UKIP also want to abolish statutory maternity pay and leave, the same income tax for rich and poor, corporal punishment in schools etc. so really a non starter.

Leaving the EU will make little difference as the world is being carved up by transnational corporations through TTIP- Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and TPP Trans-Pacific Partnership; they are being given rights on a par with sovereign countries to sue for threats to their profits and rid countries of democratic protective legislation which threaten profits. We have no say in this; there is absolutely no transparency.
Yes the time is short, talks are advanced and discussions are kept secret.

So its ok if the Tories support TTIP which removes all our nation's rights and means we can be sued if any legislation causes a loss of profit. It is the opposite of democracy and removes even more of our rights yet the Tories support it! If we wait until its in place it will be too late. Only the Greens are against it and Labour in part. Do not support any party which supports TTIP, they are selling us out.

I'll be voting for the Green Party for a number of reasons including the fact that the rest of them are either complete lying b*st*rds and/or racist.  

Labour lost my vote when I realised how corrupt they are in Harringay and how right wing they have become on a whole. 

Re TTIP and Voting Green today....I agree with Maggie and Philip Foxe.

If you want democracy to be protected and big business to be stopped from taking over all aspects of our lives -the environment, public services incl the NHS, protection to workers, etc then vote Green. They are the only Party that have actively campaigned against this pernicious secretive trade deal to  remove regulatory barriers that stop transatlantic multi nationals making their profits.

Andy Burnham of Labour believes they can negotiate their way out but John Hilary of War in Want (and others) understand that once this  treaty is signed it ties in any service not exempted for ever. (Do look at the excellent War on Want link/booklet) 

Hi Phil K,
"Philip, the deal is done. Accept it and work towards a solution."

Except the deal is not done, the fat cats aren't singing yet.

The multinationals do not want anyone "working towards a solution" hence the deals being done in secret behind closed doors with absolutely no transparency and absolutely no public consultation or involvement.

I would like to see TTIP exposed and thrown out but in the meantime people are waking up to the threat it posses.
The Greens in Europe are leaking secret documents and opposing legislation, hence the call to vote anti TTIP in the Euro elections which means voting Green (or National Health Action Party)
The Labour party is trying to get the NHS made an exception to wholesale transnational privatisation with TTIP, verbal reassurances are sought but will be worthless when dealing with these corporations.
Trade unions in Europe and the US are starting to realise the implications for jobs, wages and labour rights.

Last week ..."281 people were violently arrested, including Belgian and European parliamentarians and candidates, senior trade union officials, farmers and many elderly citizens." protesting in Brussels against TTIP.




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