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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

The Wightman Road Residents' Groups was excluded. A curious decision given the current controversies.

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Hmmm...spend 3.5 hours each way and around £100 to get there for myself, my 8 year old son, and arthritic elderly mother... and picnic food for 15 riders......when it's an hour and a half and maybe £5 in petrol.... my carbon footprint is justifiable in my view...

£100 seems a bit steep, but granted, it is difficult with someone who is immobile. Nevertheless for the half dozen times in a year you may need a car for these kind of things just hire one. Miles cheaper than paying to have a chunk of metal cluttering up the street for the rest of the year.  Just use trains, buses, walking for all your other journeys when you don't have someone who is immobile with you.

Hiring a car (generally 1600cc or larger) creates more CO2 emissions than my own 1200cc car so I'm not sure what your argument against me choosing to own my own small car is exactly... I already keep my car journeys to an absolute minimum. I walk my son to school, and use public transport to/from work. My point is that I challenge your assertion that all private cars should be banned.

But the type of journey you describe where you absolutely have to use a car you will only need to complete a handful of times a year. Why pay to have a car parked in the street for those handful of occasions? The cost of a car must run into thousands of pounds a year. Hire a car for those journeys (and you can hire small cars, probably that are cleaner than yours if that's what you want) and use public transport for all others. And save a little space in the street. And tbh there is very little justification for owning a car if you live in London. Private car journeys for most of us will be banned in London in the foreseeable future anyway because they are completely unsustainable and unjustified. They poison the rest of us (and you and your family)   

I am happy to, and can afford to, pay to park my car on the street, if only to annoy officious busybodies who want to tell me what to do with my life.

If my car is sitting parked on the street it's poisoning nobody.

( It may only be coincidence, but every time I use public transport I catch a cold or a sore throat. )

But it's not going to stay sitting in the street is it? And even if it does it's an eyesore. I don't want a load of big chunks of metal in the street. Your right to do what you want with your life ends when doing what you want with your life harms others. Car driving indisputably harms others, so much so that collectively car drivers exercising their rights to do what they want with their lives are collectively killing thousand of us every year.

You should use public transport more, you develop immunity.

And what of Boris bikes and their docking stations....are they not aesthetically unpleasant lumps of metal cluttering up our streets? Completely ruined the look of central London and an appalling drain on the public purse... I've already given you my own justification for owning my own car. And I come from a position where I tried giving it up in lieu of car club membership instead. So I know from experience that the arguments around cost and environmental impact didn't stack up. I made the same number of journeys as I do now, they just cost me more and were much more inconvenient.

And there you go again - telling me what to do.

There is absolutely no comparison between push bikes and cars. I'm not having a go at you personally, or anyone else, but. I've managed perfectly well all my life with no car. I have a few young kids and regularly travel about the ccountry so I know it's perfectly possible to live your life without a car. Cars are catastrophic for us, that is beyond dispute. Unless we are prepared to give up driving cars we are doomed. I'm not quite sure why you seem so resistant and defensive.
Get rid of your car. A fulfilling life is perfectly possible without them. And you don't have the guilt of contributing to thousands of deaths and environmental disaster

I think it's a question of what is available now and what is going to be available imminently. Going from continent to continent is difficult to do if you don't fly although more local county to country alternatives are available (Eurostar to Paris rather than flying for instance)

More locally, in cities like London, viable alternatives already exist and need improving. Part of the problem though with improving public transport is money. If the money currently being spent on improving the road network for private vehicles was even partially diverted into improving public transport and public transport options, private vehicle use would become less attractive. At the moment public vehicle use is subsidised by the state though the funding of motorways, road widening and so on which we all (including non drivers like me) pay for.

PS - I haven't set foot on a plane for something like 10 years.

Probably not for over ten years (more due to money rather than being environmental), but that's not the point. Not sure what your point is? You going for the "champagne socialist" line?  

So, you're talking about private cars, not " traffic " ?



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