Haringey is to recruit two green apprentices for a scheme that will offer them the opportunity to improve their horticultural skills as part of a 1 million pound 'Green Apprenticeship' scheme
announced by the government this week
The posts will be open to people of of any age.
Timely indeed, as two major government advisors
CABE and Natural England argue that the rebalancing of investment away from grey schemes, like building and expanding roads, and towards green assets, like street trees, parks and green spaces, will both aid in the fight against climate change and tackle the problems caused by the recession by generating new and sustainable jobs in the private sector as well creating desirable areas to live and work, stimulating local business and attracting inward investment.
They suggest that if just 10 per cent of the national £10 billion budget to widen and build roads was put aside, that could pay for 40 new parks, half a million new street trees, one and a half million square metres of green roofs, and 1,000 miles of safe greenways for cyclists and pedestrians.