Coalition 'crowdsourcing' attempts 'a failure'
The Telegraph reports that "The first attempt by the Coalition government at “crowdsourcing” appears to have been met with failure with not one Whitehall department willing to change its policies"
Was there an element of cynicism in the crowdsourcing attempt, in trying to involve people in cuts and getting them partly to take responsibility?
HoL has
also engaged in a well-meaning attempt to Crowd Source at the local level for ideas as to how or where to effect needed savings in our local authority.
Was there any evidence that local council departments (let alone central government) would be interested in the slightest in taking notice of suggestions from the public in this regard? Should there be any surprise about this?
The failure is more conspicuous at central government level: at least Haringey never pretended they were interested in the public's suggestions: but thousands of people went to the trouble of responding on government department websites where they had solicited suggestions. (The Guardian on the same subject
Tags for Forum Posts: council, crowdsourcing, cuts, department, public spending cuts, whitehall
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