Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Do you know what bugs are living near you? Take part in Bugs Count and discover the incredible variety of invertebrates that make their home around us. A local park, nature reserve or even your back garden will do.

Your findings will help scientists learn more about the distribution of invertebrates across the country and how the urban environment may be affecting them.

The best time to do this survey is from May to November. You can also join in the species quest...pretty sure we have those leopard slugs here in Harringay, in fact I know we do.

To download the necessary spotters charts, find out how to do the challenge and submit your findings, go to 


Photo by SamR from the HOL post linked to above

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hate to say it, when I see these buggers in my garden, I take out the salt!

While I feel the same when I see one, limax maximus is a remarkable wee beastie 



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