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Here's what the petition has to say:

In a City the size of London, the Underground system is the quickest way to get around and we are disappointed with the Mayor's decision to shelve 22 of the 45 planned step free access projects across London only committing himself to providing step-free access at 29 per cent of all stations by 2017. This is a major step back from previous plans to provide step-free access on a third of the network by 2013. As a result, many disabled passengers, older people and parents with young children are being denied access to this mode of transport. This is particularly concerning in the run up to the 2012 Paralympics and makes us wonder how the Mayor is planning to keep his post-Beijing pledge to make London’s Games the most accessible ever.

It makes little sense that Finsbury Park, where the current 49.1m passenger journeys a year are likely to increase by 40% over the next 15 years, is not being made step-free whilst Kingsbury and Amersham, both serving less than one tenth of Finsbury Park’s passengers, are being made accessible. We believe that money would be better spend on projects in areas where a larger number of people would benefit.

The decision makes even less sense because Network is going ahead with plans to provide step-free access from the overground platforms to street level at Finsbury Park. It has now given Transport for London and the Mayor until the autumn to change their minds on working together to make Finsbury Park step-free.

These are the reasons why we (Jeremy Corbyn MP, Jennette Arnold AM, local councillors, the Islington Disability Network, Islington Mobility Forum and Transport for All) are working together to collect as many signatures to pass to the Mayor to convince him to change his mind. If you agree that Finsbury Park Underground station should be made accessible to all passengers then please sign this petition. We are aiming to hand the petition over to the Mayor in the Autumn.

Here's the petition

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John D
It is quite obvious
free public transport = no tickets = no barriers
i'm thinking of the savings from not having revenue inspectors etc etc etc
@ John D I was only answering James' jest..

but to answer your question ..quite simple - instead of spending millions on fare collection equipment, the money could be diverted to other things.. Although I have my doubts if it would work..

Anyway, I don't know why you are complaining - you wanted rid of the bendy buses.. without a care or thought about those with push chairs or wheelchairs who found/find them useful..

I was answering James' jest too, not your comment. But I don't believe that the savings to be gained from not installing ticket gates at FP would pay for the provision of step-free access there and at all other tube stations that don't provide it.

As for bendy buses, which really is OT for this thread, I don't believe I have ever said I want rid of bendy buses.

I HAVE, in response to a suggestion that the Mayor is reneging on his promise to the electorate to get rid of them, drawn attention to the withdrawal of the bendies on the service Waterloo to Victoria and his affirmation of the intention to continue to keep the promises on which he was elected.

I think I have also drawn attention to TFL figures that appear to show that bendies are involved in more accidents to cyclists than other types of buses.

Reply by John D on March 11, 2009 at 10:47pm
" To be honest, personally I don't much care if they're Bendy or DD, but I think it's unfair to say that Boris is doing it to merely to satisfy his ego. "
Can you make a reference to the source for this claim? As a cyclist I see no difference myself.
Reply by John D on December 30, 2008 at 5:14pm
From the Independent so boring but possibly non-biassed :-)

"TfL figures suggest bendy buses are more likely to be involved in an accident. It is estimated that they cause 5.6 pedestrian injuries per million miles operated, compared with 0.97 per million for all other buses.

Bendy buses, manufactured by Mercedes-Benz, are also involved in 2.62 collisions with cyclists per million miles, compared with 0.97 for other buses, and have 153 accidents per million miles, compared with 87 per million on non-bendy routes."
I like the way they added 'Mercedes-Benz' in the article - inferring that the buses were 'powerful and faster' and IMO is also the reason why Boris is so against them.

Because they look European.. What did he say recently.. they've gone back to their 'spiritual home' .. an airfield in.. -- meaning Germans - Luftwaffe etc., etc.,

Oh dear, such a loony has control over London's transport:

"These writhing whales of the road have swung their hefty rear ends round our corners for the final time. Pedestrians that leapt, cyclists that skidded and drivers that dodged from the path of the 507 will breathe easier this weekend. .... Bendy buses on other routes are on borrowed time and I can confirm they will be gone by 2011. Engineers will now scrape all traces of the capital from these first nine buses and next week they will be sent back to their spiritual home, an airfield in the Midlands"
@Graham P.

Ok, Independent's figures not mine. But this is now far off topic, and it was all thrashed out last December, so I see no point in pursuing it here.



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