Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!


The council only collect old fridge/freezers from outside someone's property.

Does anyone know of someone cheap who could take a broken one away from a kitchen on a first floor?

Or someone strong who I could pay to take it down to near the kerbside? (and then I'd arrange the council to collect it).

Many thanks

Tags for Forum Posts: freezer, fridge, removal

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Hi Rosalind,

I assume you're not intending to buy a new one from a supplier that will dispose of your old one?

Maybe call\email Veolia and ask them if you haven't already as they probably should have a solution. I know it's long-winded, but if they don't maybe a quick email to your local Cllr asking them to help Veolia provide this service? They charge £20 to remove up to four bulky items so how about £20 to remove one from a first floor or higher? May not help you this time around but might help others in future.

Meanwhjile, maybe look for a local handy person?  There are a steady stream of asks for recommended ones if you put 'Handyman' in the search box - here's one: https://harringayonline.com/forum/topics/local-handyman-recommendat...

Hi Chris,

Thank you very much for your reply. Yes exactly, I'm buying a new one from a company (Amazon) that doesn't pick old fridges in my area.

Thanks for your suggestions; 

I've called Veolia, but as you say they only pick up from outside properties and are not open to collecting one from inside.

I did think about local handymen, but happened to stumble across ao.com, who for £20 offer a collect and recycle service. So I've booked that. Hopefully it will all work out okay



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