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Friends of Finsbury Park Start Petition Against Increase in Concerts

                                                                                                                                          Picture: FoFP


The Friends of Finsbury Park have mounted a petition to lobby against an increase in the number of concerts to be run in the park. The following is the text explaining their petition:

Finsbury Park is beautiful and hugely important to thousands of park users from all over London. Haringey Council wants to increase the number of large-scale events held there from 5 days per year to 18 days per year to earn income for the rest of the borough.

For residents and park users (not to mention the Park's wildlife), this will have a devastating effect as it will mean that most of the Park will be inaccessible for up to 3 months a year. The Park will also suffer serious damage that will last for many months after the events are over.

A public consultation did take place. However, we have serious concerns around the Council’s intentions to take public opinion into account - given that license applications have already been received that not only breach the Council's existing Events Policy, but also the proposed changes in the consultation.

Arctic Monkeys have just announced that they will be playing Finsbury Park in May 2014 for 2 days. This goes against the Council's existing Events Policy which only allows for 5 single day events per year.

For the consultation, the Council outlined the maximum area of the Park that would be used for events. However, there is a current application from Live Nation to hold the 3 day Wireless Festival in Finsbury Park in July 2014 which shows that almost the entire park will be used. This is not only in breach of the existing policy but the size of the area proposed breaches even the changes outlined in the consultation!

We want to show the Council that many people oppose their plans to increase the number of large-scale events in Finsbury Park. We want them listen to our concerns so a binding Events Policy can be developed with local residents and park users, which puts Finsbury Park and its wildlife ahead of profit.

Sign here


Tags for Forum Posts: finsbury park, finsbury park events, stone roses concert

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Only 12 signatures so far? Come on people - if you want to try and keep the park as a park, not a 'venue', sign this petitition.


I too have just signed

Signed, shared on facebook and also posted to the Finsbury park parkrun page. 



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