Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

This Tuesday some names in journalism led a debate at the City University on whether the forthcoming general election is about to be the UK's first where new media will play a significant role.

Taking that down to a local level, I'm interested in the extent to which new media will affect the coming London local elections.

We'll be doing our bit here on Harringay Online, trying to make sure we get as much contribution as possible online from our local candidates. Whether residents have an appetite for it remains to be seen.

But what about the candidates? Which of them from the three wards that are wholly or partly in Harringay, are using new media? To answer that, we've developed a New Media Quotient (NMQ) measurement for both parties and politicians.

The NMQ measures the scope and depth of each candidate's use of new media. (To avoid any potential for political bias, we're not measuring quality of contribution).

Here's how things stand as of today:


Top 5 Candidates
Justin Hinchcliffe (Con, Seven Sisters) - 50
Nora Mulready (Lab, Harringay) - 40
David Schmitz (Lib Dem, Harringay) - 23
Tim Caines (Con, Harringay) - 19
Karen Alexander (Lib Dem, Harringay) - 17

Top Party in a Ward
Harringay Ward Labour + Liberal Democrats - 17

Top Party across the 3 Wards
Labour - 10


Top 5 Candidates
Justin Hinchcliffe (Con, Seven Sisters) - 100
Nora Mulready (Lab, Harringay) - 69
David Schmitz (Lib Dem, Harringay) - 69
Karen Alexander (Lib Dem, Harringay) - 62
Chris Ford (Lib Dem, Harringay) - 46

Top Party in a Ward
Harringay Ward Liberal Democrats - 59

Top Party across the 3 Wards
Labour - 28

So we have a good start in Harringay ward and an overall winner in Justin Hinchcliffe. but  the first term's report is definitely could do better.

What will mastering new media mean to the election outcome, I wonder. Can the smart candidate replicate something of the Obama effect?

If you'd like to see the details of the NMQ, see the attachments as either pdf (hyperlinks non-functional) or Excel.

Tags for Forum Posts: 2010 local election, 2010 local elections

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Well knock me down, John, I thought I'd dreamt that a few weeks back. I suppose I'd be wrong to accuse Gina of nepotism - more a case of generism, I guess. (Or did I say that before? May have dreamt that too.)
I feel that I have to set the record straight here and stop some of the silly gossip.

As a Labour Party candidate I was selected by local party members in a democratic and open way. Like Nora and Gina, I did this on my own merit rather than the political nepotism that has been implied. I like all the other candidates was interviewed externally and internally, before our ward members made their choices, this is democratic politics in action. The local Labour Party candidates were selected in July 2009.

The three Labour Party candidates proudly represent the diversity that is at the heart of this ward and it seems that some of the comments on this site are not clear about this. I am proud to stand by Gina and Nora in the election to represent the people of this ward. I am a close family friend, and am not a relative, not her son-in-law as suggested by one of your contributors.

I am ethnically Indian, my parents originate from Mauritius. I was born here and am proud to be British and a Londoner. I am proud of my diverse cultural roots and respect the diversity of Harringay. I believe we are a stronger neighbourhood when we all act with mutual respect. I have lived in the area for most of my life and am standing for election to make a difference, in our community.

Gina, for those of you who don’t know is Greek-Cypriot and along with Nora, we are all proud to be standing for election in Harringay.

It is apparent that some comments are based on curtain twitching and gossip, rather than contributing to a cohesive community. It has also become very apparent that after the comments posted by another member, that some on this website feel that it can take the moral high ground with impunity with no recourse, and say that it is all in the arena of politics and laugh it all off like some old boys club. It smacks of colonial tactics.

If you want to know what I do in the ward, the following applies
Governor South Harringay Junior School – Vice Chair, have been chair of the Finance and Personal Committee
Secretary and member of the Harringay Safer Neighbourhoods Police Panel
Project Officer – Friends of Ducketts Common
Have worked alongside Cllr Adamou for over three years, taking notes at busy surgeries, where we can see up to 10-20 people (more than can be said for some councillors). This is on top of Gina’s email casework. At surgeries we can use more than one language, including English, Greek, French, French-Patois, and Mauritian-Creole. This has been of benefit to the many people that attend in resolving their issues and accessing services.
Thank you for that clarification Jonathan.

(I'm not sure that calling it silly gossip helps. The information was incorrect. You've corrected it. Sorted. No problem. I've not been aware of any malice being involved and I hope no one's suggested that you've been selected on anything but your merits.)

Even where they exist, I don't think family relationships preclude selection on merit. As I've written elsewhere, politics can often run in families.

Glad to hear about your pride in Haringay's diversity. This seems to reflect the sentiments expressed by the residents. So I'd imagine that'll stand you in good stead.

It'' great also to hear about what you've been doing for the community. You're more than welcome to blog or post more on what you've been doing and what your thoughts about the future are.
Jonathan, I can only say that yours is perhaps the most valuable and informative statement we have had from any candidate of any party to date. This, rather than others' more peevish reactions, indicates what a candidate is made of and stands for. However, there are lots of contradictory and shifting positions (and expressions thereof) in the arena of politics by both participants and commentators. From this quarter, then, occasional pisstaking but nothing smacking of either old boys' club or colonial tactics.
On second thoughts, Jonathan, is your statement as 'valuable and informative' as it seemed to me in the early hours of this morning?

Of course, nobody is seriously suggesting or implying nepotism, generism or any other malpractice inconsistent with your selection on merit.

However, in the interests of, as you say, setting 'the record straight', is there anything you think you should add to your clarification: 'I am a close family friend, and am not a relative, not her son-in-law as suggested by one of your contributors' ?

This is not about a few posters on HOL seeking to take some kind of moral high ground - more about potential voters wishing to know about our candidates and their links, purely where this information may be of relevance to the choices we make in less than two months from now.
one of your contributors

Twas me, twas obvious twas me. I'm also the bloke who nodded a friendly hello to you in the passage on Saturday afternoon while out riding my bike with my little boy. You looked to be out with your clipboard campaigning and quite happy yourself in the sunshine.

I'm sorry, I assumed you were married. My mistake.

Please take OAE's point on board. We're looking at where we'll vote in May. It's gentle probing a la most job interviews.

Gina is a councillor of 10 years' experience

According to the Haringey council website, Gina was first elected in 1990 making her tenure here 20 years.
Just a reminder; this isn't just about Twitter. It's about all forms of new media.
Twitter: is to noo-meeja as sound-bites are to in-depth, extended interviews?

Quality. Brevity.

From what I have learned about Nora so far, she is passionate about what she does, she says what she thinks but doesn't make it personal and she more than understands that as a councillor she is likely to suffer more than the gentle ribbing of a gentleman from Wightman Road about her twitter stream if she should get elected (as she pointed out to me, as D Lammy's researcher she has had good practice).

OAE here is my twitter stream feel free to turn your satirical eye on my musings on wasps virgin media and the mundane concerns of a Harringay housewife. I'm sure that I have heard/read much worse about myself since becoming involved in local life than you would ever publish on HOL.

I have done various roles; governor, union rep and I received precious little thanks but a fair amount of people going off on one when they thought they were in the right (sometimes in full meeting). Of course there is dignity in political representation but there should also be dignity when representing. Can I suggest that rather than stomping off into the sunset declaring that you have all 'done' with us, aggrieved local folk come to the drinks on the 18th and find out just what a bunch of cuddly bunnies your neighbours are
cuddly bunnies


We'll have comparisons of HOL political tizzies with the goings on in Watership Down soon! (hops off to box the General square between the eyes)

John, I'd agree with Liz on what she says above re Nora. Does she know of your rant on her behalf!?
Geez? A simple turn of phrase inspired no doubt by the thought of Easter.



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