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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I have been down to Finsbury Park to have a look at the the plans and talk to some of the Haringey Council staff about the possible plans for a 5 a side football scheme. Its just initial consultation to gauge public feeling in the area - worth going down for look and a chat.

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I think accusing me of "self-fulfilling victimhood" constitutes an insult, which might be (borderline) contrary to the policies of this site. What it certainly represents is a complete, utter and total misunderstanding of the motives of myself, the cartoonist and Hugh(?) who has sought and gained permission to reproduce the cartoon who all wish to make the authorities lampooned a laughing stock as part of our "collective protest".

It is to be hoped that the extensive debate on the 5-a-side proposals conducted here will inform the decision making process, though the web page setting out the details of the consultation states "the Council will advertise to seek a suitable partner to take this project forward" no hint of "either . . . .or amend . . or drop it altogether" as though the decision is seen by Haringey to be predetermined.

I am surprised that someone who relies on being in sympathy with the electorate for his re-election can misinterpret a motive so grumpily.
Alan, as much as I think Omotn is a right wing troll in the pay of Paul Dacre (sue me baby) I am with them on this one. Much like a lawyer who only asks a witness questions to which they already know the answer, our council provide us with similar fare, the evidence is all around us. I know you say it's incompetence but money is deep at work in the leasing of public land to a private company.

I wonder what City Index will give us as the spread on carparking? 40-50?
Is there anyway i can organise an online petition, as the hundreds of basketball players along with the south american volleyball players that use the concrete space have completely been left out of this decision making process.

I live only a few roads away from finsbury park endymion road entrance and i was not sent a discussion form.

I am horrified to find that an anchor to our community and a cultural hub is under threat
I suggest, Alison, that you email Cllr Dilek Dogus and ask her where things have reached with this. (dilek.dogus@haringey.gov.uk) And please copy-in John Morris, Assistant Director (john.morris@haringey.gov.uk).

Can I encourage anyone who hasn't done so to email their views to Dilek and John. And to their own ward councillors . (Posting comments on a website may not reach them.)

Perhaps John, you have information I don't have. In which case, please share it. But - as a councillor - I've yet to hear about the detailed results of the consultation. Nor the thinking and recommendations of Haringey senior officers. Not to mention how this fits into the current cuts/budget process.

Alison. you may possibly be right about "needs must" being a factor in the thinking behind this. But like several other people, I have serious worries about leasing a chunk of public park to a private company. (Former councillor Ray Dodds and I raised similar concerns about a proposed sale of Council-owned land in Bull Lane and we've yet to get to the bottom of this.) In any case, having a private or not-for-profit agency running facilities isn't always the quick-fix it can seem.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)
Thanks Alan, have just emailed.

John, you may well be right. Am just having one of my occasional less cynical ray of sunshine moments!
Following new member Joe's comments, I had a look at Haringey Council's website.

First thing to say Joe is that I'm afraid you missed the boat. The consultation finished on July 17th.

I did however find a five a side consultation update page with a video from a consultation event in Finsbury Park. I learned from this that Haringey Council have a YouTube channel and, Joe may be somewhat reassured that some basketball players spoke up on screen.

Not a lot of support there then from basketball players or anyone much at all really.

I notice that the consultation page was last updated on the 19th July and it says "Results from the public consultation will be published shortly". To my mind, two months ought to be plenty of 'shortlies'. So I'll chase up and see what the current timetable is (email request now sent).

The closing words on the consultation page are:

Subject to the consultation process and planning permission, the Council will advertise to seek a suitable partner to take this project forward, and would expect substantial access for community use of the centre at off peak times, as well as receiving some form of financial payment for reinvestment in the park.

I'm not sure what that says to you, but I find the following question forming in my mind: clumsy comms or ominous forewarning of decisions presaged?

Striking that, of the dozens of contributors, only one was in favour of the 5-a-side proposal.

Is Haringey Council listening ?
Hang on a bit there Will. Let's at least get the results. Then you have free rein to take a critical (and I'm sure balanced) look at the consultation.
Hugh, please let's not wait until we "get the results".

John_D, There is no groupthink entity called "the Council" which speaks with a single voice and decides to listen (or not) as one. Work on this proposal is being done by individual councillors with "cabinet" responsibility; and individual officers who are trying to maintain and improve our parks.

Yes, a decision will finally be made. But until then, I'd urge people to continue pitching-in. (Posting comments saying there's no point in posting comments seems self-defeating.)

Yes, having listened, the "cabinet" will make a decision. But even then, the issue is not closed. If the commercial option is rejected, we still have the pressing need to find more money to improve Finsbury Park. If the 5-a-side proposal goes ahead, on what terms? How far will there be free community use of the new facilities?
My point, Alan, was not to suggest inaction, but to recommend that people don't assume it's a foregone conclusion.
Thanks for these updates, Hugh.

As well as viewing the (edited) video, people can read through the transcript here.

As for Joe having "missed the boat", remember the baseball saying: "It's not over till it's over." I'm sure that you, John McMullan and others are right to think there are people who'd like this decision to go ahead. For all kinds of genuine reasons they think it's the best deal for Finsbury Park users; for making this particular area better used; and for bringing income to invest elsewhere in the park.

But no decision has been taken. There's yet to be a report to the Council's "cabinet". And perhaps most important of all, we've had very little public debate about a fundamental principle - whether it's right to lease a chunk of public park to a commercial company.

So my advice to anyone who hasn't yet sent in their view, is to ignore the "closing date" and write or email a brief, clear comment to Cllr Dilek Dogus (dilek.dogus@haringey.gov.uk). Copy-in your ward councillors; and post on this thread so other HoL members have a chance to read it.
Thanks Alan. I hope I made clear in my two postings above that I'm well aware the decision hasn't been taken. However the final para on the consultation page warrants a critique.

I tentatively advised Joe in a private message to email his councillors. Thanks for pointing it out here and for suggesting directing any mails to Cllr Dogus.

I've heard back from Comms promising me an update today.



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