Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I'm always amazed when HOL members resort so readily to that new old default cliche: suggesting that others are 'trolling', or being facetious, or negative, or unconstructive, or heterodox, or heretical, or taking the piss . . . . or all of the foregoing combined.

Just because we've launched a discussion or blog or newspaper column or divinely inspired universal gospel, does that mean all our interlocutors must remain locked within the narrow tramlines we lay down for the undeviating forward motion of our revelation ?

Even if Pip and Andrew had not responded with their offer of Two or even Three Street Parties for the price of one (more or less), I can't see why Sophie thought her only possible response was to proclaim a plague on all our slightly variant responses to her Kiss Me Kate excuse for meeting next Spring. I'm sure two useful attributes in organising a Harringay street party would be stamina and a sense of humour. Toys out of pram - not so useful.

Meanwhile, if Wills, Kate & Cameron had fixed the extra 'bank holiday' for April 22nd instead of 29th, several million residents of this island could have escaped for a long weekend to their favourite happy republics. (South of Ireland, Portugal, Greece anyone?)

Tags for Forum Posts: 'street, Roundheads&Cavaliers, party', trolls&trolling?

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T-shirt Venn-diagram design spotted on the web ...

I think it's a shame the original poster suggests that people on HOL have a bad attitude to community endeavours - HOL is a hotbed of activity when it comes to positive work in the local area.

Having read the thread it seems that everyone was up for a street party, just not one with a Wills n Kate theme. And if the idea was specifically about having a party and doing something positive for the area, rather than being about the Monarchy, why not just suggest a party rather than a Royal Wedding one.

It can be difficult to judge the tone of online posts and I have often risen to things online that wouldn't have bothered me in a 'real life' conversation. Perhaps this was the case here.

Anyway, a street party still sounds like a goer - but as I'm not one of the Ladder residents (Turnpike Lane, *gasp*!) I'll leave it to the rest of you!
Well, I have heard the view that if you post something in all seriousness as a non regular poster and all you get is jokes/rants/ off topic comments etc (this also happened on a different post and really annoyed the person who started the thread), then it is both disheartening and irritating to come back to the site and not find anyone being constructive.

It is a view with which I have some sympathy although after a few years I have learned to ignore the banter and pick up only on the serious comments. Others may have neither the time nor the energy and indeed why should they?

Tara-Lee has a point, in a face to face, you would laugh at or ignore the banter, and try to bring people back to the point in hand and I think that can be done online too (e.g. yes you are all hilarious, but is it a good idea or not? sort of response) however, it should be accepted that maybe people don't want to have to manage the debate at that kind of micro-level.

Perhaps some of the wits could hold fire a little bit and unless the post is by someone who you know will either give as good as they get i.e. me, or ignore you, perhaps not feel the need to jump in as the first or second responder. It's quite exciting (at first) to find people pick up your threads but not if when you get there its just a load of people sharing an in-joke or having a conversation about something else or even ranting about some aspect of what you've written without much thought attached to it.

Wits of Harringay, get onto Twitter, there are people gagging for your brand of quick fire humour
@LizIxer, @john_mcmullan et al

By the way, we are all due one helluva street party in 2011 - The Harringay festival on Green Lanes, so see all you party animals there...this means you Tara-Lee...I expect I will be spending the royal wedding drinking cocktails and watching classic Doctor Who, as I tend to do whenever the TV is being taken up with stuff I'm not that bothered about (this includes most Saturday Night early evening tv at the moment)
Good points Liz...I am also @red_librarian AND @tottenhamchoir, if you didn't know that already. All these online personas (personii??!) are a bugger to juggle!
Yep, I knew ;)

Harringay tweeters are lively folk and tend to enjoy a little 'earthy' humour, so join us you non Tweeters!
Liz, please stop !
I can't stand it when i'm trying to be as sarcastic and puerile as possible and then someone like you goes and spoils it by posting friendly and sensible comments, i have to say it is enough to make me see sense and have a welcoming attitude to newbies on HOL. So there.
Re the misjudging the tone of other's posting
Discussions on other online fora, such as numerous bulletin board platforms, have been aided by the incorporation of smilies/emoticons/whatever they're called into posting. So users can emphasise the mood of their posts more visually than just words, which as we can see are sometimes inadequate at fetching hold of the right end of the stick.

Much as i have found them annoying when overused, they do serve a good purpose for the types of situations that you mention Liz. I wonder have the site techies ever discussed putting such 'common' features into HoL - or would it be something worth considering i wonder?
(Re: emoticons) Have you seen this book ?
'Emoticon your way to wholesome relationships'. By J.R. Hottley (Published by b.n.Hadde)
Unfortuately, ning does not offer an emoticons facility at the moment or we would have switched it on. You can, however, add your own from the endless possibilities :)

Another way I have tried to deter 'irrelevance on a thread, is to ask people not to answer unless they want to contribute something positive. A bit humourless, maybe, but at least posters have been warned that I haven't opened the thread for the purposes of giving them a way to exercise their comedy keyboards.

Of course, online humour and jokes can be dangerous things as Paul Chambers found out on Twitter,
So are we having a street party then? Someone in Hewitt Rd has a fantastic troll mask.

Can I nominate Hewitt Rd as it's full of families and close to the pub?
It's not a troll mask, it's a gorilla head.

And it's fab for frightening small children at Halloween. I recommend it.
Good idea, John. We could have a Royalists v New Model Army theme (no seriously). Anyone know which way this area swung during the English Civil War? Big tug of war down Hewitt...cavaliers v Roundheads.



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