Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I'm always amazed when HOL members resort so readily to that new old default cliche: suggesting that others are 'trolling', or being facetious, or negative, or unconstructive, or heterodox, or heretical, or taking the piss . . . . or all of the foregoing combined.

Just because we've launched a discussion or blog or newspaper column or divinely inspired universal gospel, does that mean all our interlocutors must remain locked within the narrow tramlines we lay down for the undeviating forward motion of our revelation ?

Even if Pip and Andrew had not responded with their offer of Two or even Three Street Parties for the price of one (more or less), I can't see why Sophie thought her only possible response was to proclaim a plague on all our slightly variant responses to her Kiss Me Kate excuse for meeting next Spring. I'm sure two useful attributes in organising a Harringay street party would be stamina and a sense of humour. Toys out of pram - not so useful.

Meanwhile, if Wills, Kate & Cameron had fixed the extra 'bank holiday' for April 22nd instead of 29th, several million residents of this island could have escaped for a long weekend to their favourite happy republics. (South of Ireland, Portugal, Greece anyone?)

Tags for Forum Posts: 'street, Roundheads&Cavaliers, party', trolls&trolling?

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And we could build a guillotine and cut someone's head off at the end. Perhaps someone who didn't clean up after their dog or perhaps one of the naughty lorry drivers... oh I could go on.

So, the street party on the 29th will be on Hewitt (bit of a slope though), preferably at the passage and we will guillotine someone of some significance. Perhaps even William himself (do you think I'll get in trouble for this?)
I despair of your history John. Madame Guillotine was invented in France as an 'enlightened' way of execution that dispatched people quickly. For the purposes of an English civil war party, a simple block and axe will suffice.
I did get Elizabethan etc history forced down my neck at school. I know James I had his head cut off by a commoner. I'd just quite like to build a guillotine.
Charles the First. Were you flicking paper at the swotty kids on the day you did regicide in class?
Oh I give up... you're right I was a hopeless historian. Back in NZ it was the thing I rocked at but here I quite obviously suck.

So are we having a guillotine or what?
New Zealanders, give 'em some wood, a hammer and a sharp blade and they'll either build you a fence or a method of execution. Sure build it...just don't blame me if the pedants give you hell for historical inaccuracy.
Oh I know about your gorilla head but there was a woman with a troll mask too!
I should have known I was barking mad trying to get you people to discuss a subject of great moment along the precise and logical lines I indicated. All I seem to have encouraged are further homilies on the need for me to come out of my closet and embrace my inner twitter being. That and facetious troll masks - now there, despite its etymological confusion, you have the epitome of trolling if anything ever was. Don't you understand this post was never about the royal sport of trolling but about . . . . Oh forget it. I'm off. Time for my toys out of pram moment. Discussion closed. End of.
I love you OAE.
On second thoughts, perchance I was a little premature in bringing down the guillotine just now, almost severing head from body of Madame Defarge and causing her to drop a stitch as she tried disentangling French Rev from Eng Civ War. Liz and John, take it away.



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