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I am looking for a local and regular exercise group for newly pregnant woman... any ideas? thanks



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Hi Marika


I go to a pregnancy yoga class. Its on Elyne Road just over the bridge at Harringay Station.

Jule Tortora http://www.lifelongyoga.co.uk/

I go on a Tuesday night @6.45 but she also does Monday evening and Saturday mornings.

Its not heavy going just relaxing which is perfect as you get bigger and bigger ;-)

Hi Marika

Congratulations on your pregnancy. 

Many exercise classes will not accept women until they are in their second trimester (particularly if they are new to that form of exercise), but there are several providers in the area who do specifically pregnancy yoga and similar, as well as  Julie  there's Yoga Junction http://www.yogajunction.co.uk/, the active birth centre http://www.activebirthcentre.com/

then there's other types of classes:


Park road pool does antenatal aqua exercise http://www.haringey.gov.uk/som/leisure/leisure_centres/park_road.htm


Clissold Leisure centre has water and land based antenatal exercise classes http://www.gll.org/centre/clissold.asp


Hope this helps


If Pilates is what you're after, Bethia Hope-Rollins runs antenatal Pilates classes just a few minutes' walk from the Salisbury (http://www.pilatesformovement.co.uk/). I'm not sure how far into your pregnancy you have to be to do them, but Bethia's training to be a doula and she knows a lot about what kind of activity is appropriate for different stages in the pregnancy.


Good luck with it!



Marika, I see a pregnant British soldier (one Private Kayla Donnelly, aged 21, of Penrith in Cumbria) has been fighting in the front line in Helmand Province between March and September last. Only discovered her eight-month pregnancy during the rigours of a beach holiday in Tenerife.

It would have the advantage of allowing regular exercise while keeping your mind on other things, but perhaps not as local as you had in mind.

Thanks everyone for you help and support!! I am only around 3-4 weeks, so maybe I should wait until the 3 months? what do you recommend.


Many thanks

x marika

Hi Marika

I waited till I was past 12 weeks (most places won't take you unless you are past this) so I would recommend waiting.

Good luck and congrats!!


I'll do just that Iona!! thanks!

x marika



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