Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I spotted in the response to the parking consultation a sentence which indicated the council were looking to pilot these. Wondered if anyone else had seen or heard anything on the development? 

Enfield have a scheme, but it's not cheap. Run by Kerbo. £1359 installation and year 1, then £93 per year licencee fee thereafter. This doesn't include the charger... 

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After paying the installation fee and yearly fee,  are you guaranteed a parking spot outside your property? Nope

Interesting to know that this is being considered given the results of the consultation re: charges to park while charging in EV charging bays (it’s not clear from the detail whether this will include those with residents parking permits but it suggests it will, meaning more than doubling the cost of charging for most to an entirely unaffordable rate…) However as pointed out, this scheme doesn’t exactly look affordable either and I agree, a major flaw in terms of whether you’d actually be able to use your channel given there’s never a guarantee of parking outside your property…

I’m all for this but a word of caution about cost and process.  There is a process for permission which will require your local highways authority’s consent [which will likely be granted if the council are keen to trial it] and you must obtain any planning permissions required by your local planning authority for your chargepoint and cross-pavement solution.  You must use an OZEV approved installer to complete the installation of the chargepoint [not just plugging in to a 13 amp socket] and the grant is either £350 or 75% off the cost to buy and install a socket, whichever amount is lower.  You might be able to persuade the council to mark the bay as for your EV vehicle only.  I would say it’s definitely worth looking into as part of a trial as the council will be keen to progress it.

All in all a more affordable on-street charging solution seems a far better option… if only the council could see this!!



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