Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I wonder whether I'm alone in wondering whose job it is to enforce face mask wearing in shops.

For the second time in a week, on a visit to a shop on Grand Parade, I've noticed that about half the customers weren't wearing masks. One of these also had a rather nasty sounding cough.

The police say I should talk to the shop staff, while the shop manager tells me they are not in a position to enforce the law.

Where does that leave us? I would like to think that we're all doing our bit.

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I was so fed-up with it in Sainsbury's yesterday (10-20% of customers without masks, plus another 5-10% wearing masks but not actually over their noses and mouths) that I asked to speak to a manager.

Why can't you do something about it, I asked. He told me that they can't make people wear masks. Fair enough, I said, but you could just refuse to let them in. He said that the directive had come down from head office that they weren't to intervene.

I said that there was a certain irony having a looped message on the PA system repeating that Sainsbury's "cares about the safety of our customers" while at the same time failing to enforce a law that would lessen shoppers' risk of contracting a potentially fatal illness. 

When I got home, I was angry enough to email Sainsbury's CEO asking why he thought it was OK to put profits ahead of the safety of his staff and customers. And pointing out that if I didn't feel safe in his shop, perhaps I might take my custom elsewhere. Sure, some libertarian types would bleat about their human right to potentially infect other people with coronavirus, but ultimately which was the bigger demographic: people who were willing to suffer short-term discomfort for the greater good, or selfish narcissists?   

I'm not expecting a reply, but if I get one I will let you know...

I think the law should state that if shopkeepers serve customers who are not wearing masks, the shopkeeper will face the consequences, i.e be fined. It is their responsibility to ensure the safety of customers on their premises. That would ensure more vigilance on the wearing of face masks in shops.

This is the government abnegating their responsibility and trying to put the onus on shopkeepers. Shopkeepers are not the ones who formulated the instigated the law and cannot and should not be forced to be culpable. Furthermore the police have already accepted that they can take no action against shopkeepers and do not expect them, or anyone else, to act as vigilantes. Enforcement can only be by directly commissioned and authorized agents of either the government or local councils.

It is hard for staff to actually intervene but the cashiers could refuse to allow them to go to the till and a security guard could stoop them from uisng the self check outs.

Where I work (public transport) we have also been told to "remind and retreat". We don't want to be arguing with a potentially infected person who is then going to terrorize you by deliberately breathing/coughing/spitting on you. It isn't worth it.

But we do need clear guidance from the powers that be. But the untrustworthy scoundrel of a PM, his henchmen and the Pickupside of a governemnt set the tone early on. Cummings has suffered no consequences.

No wonder there is just that...a free for all!

Shops can't possibly enforce the rules. Not least because there is a long list of exemptions that they would have no way of assessing. The law simply hasn't been designed to be enforced (and I don't really see how it could have been) 

"The law simply hasn't been designed to be enforced"

Exactly.....free for all...nuff said.

I don't think that means it doesn't have value though. Even if only half of people comply with it, that should still have a very substantial impact on covid transmission. 

I completely sympathize with you Phil. I was in Sainsbury's on Wednesday and I would say about half the customers were not wearing masks or had them hanging around their chin, or below their nose. It's driving me mad. I snapped at one female asking her the point of having it under her chin and she did put it on but it's impossible to tell everyone. There is no way all those people can be exempt.

I don't even know why they bother with the PA annoucements. They are clearly being ignored.

I am so sick of the selfish, thoughtless behaviour of so many people round here. They seem oblivious that the virus has not gone away and we could face another lockdown if it picks up again. I wouldn't say I particularly enjoy wearing a mask but I will happily do it if it makes a difference in keeping the infection rates down. It's really not that big a deal..

Enforcement is difficult, but having a sign on the door saying you have to wear a mask is easy. The big shops should also have someone at the entrance reminding people that the law says they should be wearing a mask. (Some people have valid exemptions.) I was in Wood Green Morrisons today and I reckon only about half the customers were wearing masks correctly. There was a security guard on the door, saying nothing and doing nothing. There were no signs.

Sainsburys have signs up asking people to wear a mask, but obviously a proportion of their customers imply ignore them. These may also be the same customers who park in 'child onboard' bays when there is no child in the car. That's just human nature. People are stupid and selfish at heart and endanger those who are not.

I wonder if shopkeepers can decide not serve people who aren’t wearing masks (without good reason, that is, I know some people can’t tolerate masks). That could be a motivator. I have witnessed people becoming aggressive and verbally abusive when approached by staff to wear a mask, and blatantly entering the shop regardless.

I also find it strange that staff in shops aren't obliged to wear masks. It feels like a contradiction to request the public do, but not the staff. My understanding is that masks are only really effective if EVERYONE wears them. 

Interestingly, I hear in Holland, they are not enforcing masks, on the belief that it gives people a false sense of security, resulting in carelessness. There’s is so much improper use of masks anyway - pulled under the chin, nose poking out, etc., etc...

Waitrose in Crouch end have someone at the door stopping anyone not wearing a mask and offering one if necessary. I also find that the one way system which worked at the beginning is now in disarray rending distancing in shops very difficult. There is a false sense of security around even though we know that cases are increasing. It’s important to be respectful of others by following the rules given to us and that will help not only the NHS but also the economy and our children schooling. I think we have to forget ourselves and think of others but then again some may prefer to follow the US way and be free of all reasonable constraint which in turn could lead to a terrible winter and further lockdown. It’s not a question of what us  as individuals want anymore but instead doing our best to avoid a catastrophic winter. 



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