Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Apart from the considerable speed that drivers travel along Endymion Rd (when they aren't completely stationary of course - but that's another discussion!!), I have noticed more and more that the rules of the crossing are often ignored and you really take your life into your own hands sometimes when crossing (not all drivers are guilty, I hasten to add).

Does something need to be done before there is a serious accident or a death?

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I think pelicanising it is the only solution really. As too many drivers don't understand the law regarding zebra crossings (or just chose to ignore it as there is little or no chance of being caught). A red light should do it (hopefully!!)

The Harringay Libdem team have been talking to residents for some considerable time on the issues of speed on Endymion Road. In my opinion it should be 20mph in line with Wightman and the ladder roads and we have been asking the council to consider this for some time. We will continue to campaign with local residents for this.

In the meantime, the preliminary report has been prepared on the feasibility of a pedestrian crossing at Alroy Road. I am trying to get a copy so that (as a former ward councillor) I can feedback to the council. I am hopeful that the crossing at this junction will become a reality fairly soon.

I've just got good odds with Paddy Power that Emine and James will have hitched their brand new hobbyhorses to this bandwagon before tomorrow morning.

I worry for your money - both talked a good game when they were after our votes but have gone very quiet on this and Alroy crossing on here (and on email) since they landed the votes they needed.
Reply from Haringey.............

Dear Cheryl,

Thank you for your email regarding the zebra crossing in Endymion Road near the park entrance.

I can assure you that the council regards road safety, particularly pedestrian safety as a high priority and actively promotes road safety measures across the borough to reduce vehicle speeds, the number of road traffic accidents and to enhance the environment for all road users.

I am pleased to inform you that the Council has recently approved a policy to introduce a 20mph speed limit to all residential roads and town centres. We are currently progressing the design and will conduct Statutory Notification later this year with implementation early in 2015.

Although I do not doubt your perception of safety at this location, the latest 36 months collision data in the vicinity of the above zebra crossing shows that there has been no pedestrian related personal injury accidents, suggesting that the junction is operating relatively safely.


Michael Demosthenous
Project Engineer

Sustainable Transport
Haringey Council
River Park House, 225 High Road, London N22 8HQ

This was part of the email reply Gordon T got on 10 September 2013.

"Thank you for your correspondence regarding pedestrian safety at the zebra crossing on Endymion Road, by the northern edge of Finsbury Park."

"I can assure you that the council regards road safety, particularly pedestrian safety, as a high priority and actively promotes road safety measures across the borough to reduce vehicle speeds, the number of road traffic accidents and to enhance the environment for all road users."

"For your information, I have investigated the latest 36 months collision data in the vicinity of the Zebra crossing and can confirm that there has been 2 recorded slight personal injury accidents, none of the accidents involved pedestrians."

Looks familiar?  I wonder if as well as cutting and pasting the email, Mr Demosthenous went to observe the crossing? Or even used a speed gun to measure the speeds of cars along Endymion Road?

Is Endymion Road (classified as the B150 secondary road) with houses only on one side and for only part of its length to be assessed as 'residential'? 

As before, this story in the Ham & High reports that Haringey council will decide shortly to have a 20 mph limit only for residential roads and roads with schools on them, rather than a borough-wide 20 mph limit. 





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