Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Just watched a guy dump a huge amount of rubbish right outside his house on Seymour.

Asked him why - he said he is fed up waiting for his landlord to sort it out, so he has shifted it from the front garden onto the pavement so he can sit out (and admire the lovely view..). Broken mirrors, the lot.

3 of us tried to reason with him but he doesn't see it as his problem. Flipping unbelievable. Have reported it to Haringey, just wanted to rant.

Who is liable for that? I can't believe this guy will be able to pay any kind of fine.


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Alan, I reported a dumping episode going on in front of my house by my then next door neighbour. 'Are you willing to make a statement in court?' 'Yes' I say... *silence... coughs* 'Oh, er, are you willing to make a statement in court?' 'YES'  I say again, louder. 'SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?'  I ask fairly firmly. 'We'll be in touch.' (or something similar) Same afternoon council come and meekly clear it up free of charge to the offender but, of course, paid for by the rest of us. This man was a tennant who, not long after, did a runner. In general, I have to say, the real menaces in our area, N17, are the slum landlords who have more or less taken over the place. I would love to remove the whole lot of them as well their crap, but I'm afraid that, to some extent at least, Haringey council just collude cos it's cheaper probably.

Hi Claudia, If you'd like to email me with as much detail as you can recall, I will send in a formal councillor enquiry asking what happened in this case. alan.stanton@virgin.net

So, if you would, please: what was dumped; where and the date/time of the dumping? What was the date/time of your phonecall? Did you get a reference number? Which team did you speak to and what action did they promise to take?

When I get a response I can either send it to your private email; or with your permission, anonymise and post it here. 

Maybe this seems like 'closing the stable door' after a dumper has bolted. But even so, it's important to find out and learn from what went wrong. As people posting in this thread have said, there are some committed and effective staff who do chase these issues. But their numbers are being cut. And I assume so is the budget available to take legal action etc

There is also a central issue of getting systems right. The most enthusiastic industrious staff have a problem doing their jobs properly if this needs working round systems set up by managers.

Of course, I may be entirely wrong on this. Haringey senior staff and "cabinet" councillors tend to think they've got the systems right and a classic response to any suggestion is that: "they are already doing it". Sometimes this is true.

Alan, many thanks for this  - will be in touch this evening.
Hi Claudia, I haven't heard from you. Was the problem solved?

HI Alan,

just sent an email to you, but I dont think it will be much help really since this happened at least two years ago and I no longer remember which day it was or what time I called. Thank you for your interest though - if I call the council again about this kind of thing, I'll be sure to keep a record of the call.

Many thanks, Claudia. I read your email and you're right that, after this length of time and in the particular circumstances, there's nothing I can do to get them to fine the culprit. As you were willing to stand up and give evidence, I'm sorry that Haringey staff didn't get things moving faster.

Your point about keeping a record is worth everyone bearing in mind. When we actually see someone in the act of dumping we want to speak urgently to a person, rather than use a machine.

It reminds me of when some friends' cellar was flooded. The plumber told them it was a mains problem and they needed to phone the Water Company and keep ringing until it was sorted out. He also told them to record the times of calls, names of the people they spoke to, and what was said.

They followed this advice, although thinking it was way over the top. Until they found that promises weren't kept; and they spoke to different people in the Water Company who had no record that earlier calls were made.

Pile it all up in front of his door. It doesn't matter whose rubbish it is, you can't just dump it on the pavement like that. Can't the guy just ring up the council himself???
I was just going to say the same thing, why wait for his landlord to ring up the council when he can ring them up himself?  And why put it all on the pavement instead of his front garden it doesn't make sense.  He's block the pavement and its really dangerous because now pedestrians have to squeeze inbetween the cars and walk on the road.  The rubbish seems to be made up of sharp objects and roughly cut wood, it really is a danger.
Ruth, he wanted to sit in the front garden bit, that's why he tipped it all onto the pavement. I happily would have piled it up on the doorstep, except a) there was tons if it and b) why should all the other poor tenants suffer. In fact, bless them, one flat came out and made the pavement area a little easier to negotiate.

There has been a pile of blue matressess in the road/pavement or Hampden Road n17 for ten days, and cubords on Hampden Lane. Ive up given ringing the council.

The whole borough is fly tipping zone because the council dont police this kind of ilegal dumping, i mean, you just dont see this in other boroughs as much as you do in Haringey. Vans often 'park and dump' in the entrances of Bruce Park. 

Do you report it on the website Vix? I thought it tended to get with quickly if you did that.
More thoughts here.



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