Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Just watched a guy dump a huge amount of rubbish right outside his house on Seymour.

Asked him why - he said he is fed up waiting for his landlord to sort it out, so he has shifted it from the front garden onto the pavement so he can sit out (and admire the lovely view..). Broken mirrors, the lot.

3 of us tried to reason with him but he doesn't see it as his problem. Flipping unbelievable. Have reported it to Haringey, just wanted to rant.

Who is liable for that? I can't believe this guy will be able to pay any kind of fine.


Tags for Forum Posts: fly, love clean streets app, problem reporting apps, rubbish, tipping

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Seriously, Seymour Road is becoming a death trap; if it isn't old mattresses or pieces of wood with nails sticking out of it (courtesy of the tenants/occupiers of the flats at the Green Lanes end of the road), it is broken pieces of glass (courtesy of the off licence customers) or rat infested piles of old chicken bones (courtesy of the chicken takeaway customers) - not what I want to be walking my 3 year old through every morning. Who should I be emailing about this...i.e. the general state of it, I don't have time to take pictures of each and every piece of litter or fly tipping episode so don't want to just report it on the site.
I really don't understand what goes through peoples heads how can any sane person think that the public path is theirs to dump rubbish.  keep up the fight

On the matter of fly tipping, did anyone witness anyone dumping armchair/beds/carpet underlay and other detritus at the Green Lanes end of Hewitt Road last week. It happened twice - and it doesn't help that a skip is parked there (cannot see a licence for it) at the moment. I reported it to the Council - and they did remove the rubbish eventually, but it's an ongoing problem. Any urban designers have any solutions for re-designing that area (and others) so as to discourage flytipping - it's such a hotspot.




As of this morning I have emailed Ellick & Canver TWICE about a follow up and a progress report on this. If they're not prosecuting I will look into prosecuting the council.

Latest on this one: The resident was been called in for an interview. "He became tearful and clearly regretted his actions". He's also a little mentally unstable from what I understand from the email I had. That's reassuring.. He's now been moved on. 

He explained that the waste was originally in the property and belonged to the previous tenants. After he had been in the property for approximately five days he moved the waste into the front garden and contacted the managing agents to remove the waste. The managing agents agreed to remove the waste but never did, he contact them a further five times to remove the waste informing them of his medical condition and the effect it was having on his health. He alleged the managing agent then told him to place the waste on the street.


So what are the Council doing about this useless manageing agent? Brian Ellick says: "

I have instructed the case officer to contact the managing agent and explore the outlined allegations and make them aware of their duty of care responsibilities under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.  Also explore with the managing agent what went wrong in this instance particularly as the tenants were vulnerable and how this can be avoided in the future."


I think this is a pretty tame response. If they can't go after the litterbug himself, go after the people who manage the property! It's not the first time the front garden is overflowing with rubbish, that happens on a regular basis. And it is illegally converted, of course. It's one of 2 proplem houses, No 72 and 76 are not great to have nearby, and our beloved Council puts people in both and supports these scum landlords. More on no 72 here: http://www.harringayonline.com/forum/topics/844301:Topic:63756


I am absolutely fuming, what else can be done?



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