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Don't Forget - Wightman Road Closed for 5 months from Next Tuesday (29th March)

In case it's escaped your notice or slipped your mind, Wightman Road will be closed to through traffic for five months starting next Tuesday 29th March.

This will be a significant dislocation to North London traffic movement. So much so that warning notices have been placed as far away as Archway. No doubt it will also have a significant impact on Harringay's traffic.

However, there really is no alternative to at least partial road closure. The railway bridge between Alroy and Wightman roads is being replaced and there will simply be no road for a few months!

One option the Council could have taken would have been to simply reroute the traffic via the Ladder rung roads. It is to their credit, however, they recognised that with over 16,000  vehicles a day using Wightman Road, this would have placed an intolerable burden on our narrow residential roads, already beset by undue traffic volumes.

After consultation with residents, the solution decided upon is to place blocks at regular intervals along Wightman Road, in effect creating clusters of two or three rung roads. Whilst this will retain unfettered access for residents. it will render the whole Ladder, including Wightman, useless as a rat run. You can clearly see the details on the full size pdf map attached below.

Quite what it will mean for traffic in Harringay, Haringey and further afield remains to be seen. Those of us who have been working with the Council on this very much hope that traffic will quickly find other routes. It's fair to say, however, that at very best, we're going to experience some very heavy congestion on Green Lanes for a month or so. 

At the same time, the Harringay traffic study will continue. The coincident timing of this piece of work with the bridge closure may be fortunate in that it will give the consultants an opportunity to study the outcome of diverting traffic away from Harringay. 

A pdf copy of the Wightman Road closure is attached, along with some Council-produced documentation. You can stay up to date with what's happening on the Wightman Road closure on a dedicated page on the council website here.

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They were thinking of the well-being the residents who live on the Ladder rung-roads.

What about the misery inflicted on Green Lanes residents? Are ladder residents some fragile little flowers that need special protection whereas no-one cares about Green Lanes residents? That makes no sense to me at all...

They were aiming to avoid misery for some of the lower ladder rungs. Had they just closed the road at the bridge, then Burgoyne, Duckett, Umfreville and Cavendish, would just become massive rat runs.  Burgoyne and Duckett in particular would have long lines at the lower ends most of the day.

They are rat runs already so what would be the difference?

OK, so I'm assuming that you're not being serious.

I'm with you Michele, with no changes to parking and bus lanes times on Green Lanes I am thinking nightmare too.

I have to drive my (disabled) son to and from school, timings don't allow public transport currently and I'm pretty sure this road closure won't make buses any quicker. I would love for my son to be able to cycle but sadly he is not able to.  I'm expecting a difficult summer term. But at least it was put back a month so it will only be the summer term.

I agree, I don't understand the rationale for closing the whole road?

The option of closing just near the bridge and having all ladder roads blocked at bottom to stop access to Willoughby and Green Lanes would seem to me to have been much better for people living on Wightman and the ladders. Especially at the Turnpike lane end of Wightman Road. It will take an hour probably to do a 5 minute journey to get to and from our homes.

See Adam's response just above. Can you imagine what life would be like for the residents of Burgoyne, Duckett, Umfreville and Cavendish with something like an additional 4,000 cars a day on each road?

Would you vouch for the health implications of that, to say nothing of the general quality-of-life issues?

I don't think any solution is without it's problems. However, the Council worked hard modelling any number of solutions and I think they've probably picked the best one. 

Maybe I'm not understanding...as why couldn't those roads be no through roads to Green Lanes too.

Still don't see the need for the whole of Wightman to be closed-Its a long Road...

If the rung roads were all made no through road then Wightman Road would still in effect be closed, so it wouldn't do anything for journey times.

If Wightman and any of the rung roads were left open, those rung roads would experience an exponential increase in traffic levels.

In the end the choice boiled down to either inconveniencing the rat-runners or severely damaging the quality of life for residents. I know which choice has my vote.

I don't agree as it would be open for residents and journey times for residents would be much easier as access would basically be for Wightman and ladder residents via the non bridge section of the road and therefore not used as a rat run.

The ladders would be 2 way only for residents and people visiting which would be manageable.

Anyway my opinion, see how first month goes as I understand there will be a review.

Yes, you're right about that. It would certainly allow residents to drive from one end of Wightman to the other relatively unimpeded. I suppose we could all enter and exit via the northern end of Wightman. I haven't thought it through, but I can't see why that woudn't work.



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