Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

The following has been removed from a posting about an incident on Pemberton Road since I do not feel that posting is an appropriate place for this discussion. I am however happy to respond to any concerns here

Matt, a member wrote:

I would like to add that there needs to be more professionalism from admin on this site. The lack of it has been very worrying. If you want to run a site porporting to represent and serve this community it must be done so with the upmost integrity.

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Matt: give Hugh a break! If it wasn't for his initiative and hard work (and Liz's) this site wouldn't exist in the first place. I think we all get a pretty professional service – and one that goes unremunerated. In my opinion, Hugh does run a site that serves the community and I believe it is moderated with high integrity.

No one has to pay to join this site as a member and no one is obliged to use it. if you are truly worried about a claimed lack of professionalism (that I for one do not recognize) then:

(a) don't use it; and/or (b) set up your own competing/complimentary site and see how much of your time it takes!

Now and again I might have minor differences of opinion with the site admin but I never doubt their good will, good faith and sincerity. We are all fortunate to have this facility, IMO.
Clive thank you. I am a volunteer and I do my best. It is all anyone can ask of me I think. I believe in this site or I would not dedicate such a great deal of my time to it. I know it is appreciated by many people for which I am grateful.
Clive Carter wrote: No one has to pay to join this site as a member and no one is obliged to use it. if you are truly worried about a claimed lack of professionalism (that I for one do not recognize) then:

(a) don't use it; and/or (b) set up your own competing/complimentary site and see how much of your time it takes!

Now and again I might have minor differences of opinion with the site admin but I never doubt their good will, good faith and sincerity. We are all fortunate to have this facility.

As member no.13 (July 2007), I would like to second those points... and would also like to say how I appreciate the opportunity HoL gives me to keep in touch with Harringay and regardless of the inevitable differences of opinion, with diverse members of the community.
"N": perhaps you ought to have a view about the professionalism of this site? After all, that was the subject of the accusation. Would you really expend time and effort on a site you regarded as unprofessional?. Both matt and I have views on this, but we take opposite ends. It's clear that I believe the criticism does not stand.

The only harking back I do is to harken to challenges I had when I started a community website (on a much more modest scale) and that harks back to July 2005. I think we should hark to Hugh's palpable restrained response to the supposed criticism.

You've overlooked the qualification I made:

If Matt is truly worried, by which I meant if he truly believes this.

This qualification, it seems to me, allows two possibilities:

(1) that he doesn't really and truly believe this and the accusation is a form of posturing (and that would be a mischievous thing, wouldn't it?) or

(2) he really believes it, in which case he would seem to have little to gain by hanging around. If there really is a lack of professionalism, it's probably not going to be rectified by idle chat, is it?

As a side point, many people on this site are confident enough to use their real names and don't try to hide behind the most anonymous of nomes de plume.
Matt, naturally we're concerned that you should feel this way and we're very happy to respond to any specific issues you have.

At this stage it's difficult to understand exactly what your complaint is.

You added the message above to a post where I had posted information given to me by the elected official with cabinet responsibility for policing in the borough. She told me it came from the police.

The integrity of that information was absolute. I have commented on my omission of the source on the original posting.

I'll be happy to comment on any other specific issue concerning professionalism or integrity of site admin if you can give me any details of the nature of your complaint.
I don't understand the point you're making Matt, I am completely convinced by Hugh's arguments and motives. To say the "lack of it (integrity) has been very worrying" seems very over the top to me.

Something really awful has happened in our neighbourhood and people are obviously anxious and want to know what is going on. Hugh, and others, have posted what they know or have been told. Personally I want to know what this is, even if in the end some of it might not prove 100% accurate. That to me is one of the things that this website is about, as opposed to Haringey People or whatever else, and I'd hate to think of it vanishing because of a fear that you can't say anything unless it has been verified by a higher authority.
Thanks for that possible insight John.

For people reading this who may not understand what John has written about. Earlier in the week Matt posted an outwardly neutral posting about the BNP (with the intention of drawing attention to the BNP as a problem). It didn't even occur to me to question the motivations behind the posting since I know Matt well enough to feel sure that he's not a BNP supporter. However a member who has personal bad experience at the hands of the BNP wrote to Liz and I worried that the posting was in support of the BNP.

Matt please let me once again take the opportunity to reassure you that Liz and I never thought for a moment that you were a BNP supporter (and we told the member as much) and I'm quite sure that the member was acting out of personal fear and they meant no sleight on you whatsoever.
Well put, John and Hugh. Someone else thinks I'm Nick Griffin's uncle just because I want Nick as Europe's High Representative rather than Baroness Cathy what'shername.
I'm sure the present issue can be dealt with through the usual channels. John, pints o' Pride at the Masonic Lodge with appropriate handshakes all round.
Even I would prefer to be accused of being Strine. As a quick tip for our pommy friends, if you're ever confused as to whether someone with an antipodean accent is Kiwi or Strine, always guess NZ. Either you will be correct or, you will be paying the person a compliment: either way, you can't lose.

(sorry Hugh, slightly off-topic. I do appreciate that the site is dedicated to rally driving on the back roads of the South Island).
You may all jest- but did you notice my great uncles surname?

I was beginning to wonder if we were perhaps related.. my Griffins came from Highgate.. NG was born in Barnet, only a cat's-piss stone's throw away.. luckily, I don't think we are related.
I am confused. Matt asks for "professionalism". The beauty of HOL is that is not run "professionally", it is not even a commercial site. It seems to me it has no aims other than help serve (and improve) the community in which it is based. Nor does it "purport to represent" anyone - it just gives the community (of all flavours and opinions) a voice. And it does it fantastically well. Matt, you make it sound like HOL is some kind of slick, well-funded PR campaign. It's not and that's why its users love it. So I can't agree with your comment about what HOL purports to be and I am baffled, like others, about the alleged lack of professionalism you detect. This is one of the best administered and moderated opinion sites I know of.
It really isn't good enough. The admin on this site has never been friendly or polite to me. I have never had any sense that i'm understood. Why can't there be a welcoming atmosphere from the site admins to all that join the site. It makes my blood boil to think that there has never been a sense of humour on this site. Also why can't harringays history be explored ? a few photos could make this site look better. The admin of this site should be ashamed of itself. Why can't you organise a drink or something so everyone can meet up. This site lacks any originality or imagination. Hows about bucking your ideas up admin ? Grrrrrrr !



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