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Delight as MP David Lammy backs the community in their bid to save the Antwerp Arms pub, Tottenham.

Tottenham MP David Lammy urges Haringey Borough Council leader Claire Kober to support campaign to save the Antwerp Arms

Members of the Antwerp Arms Association outside the Antwerp Arms. Photo taken by Peter RemkeMembers of the Antwerp Arms Association outside the Antwerp Arms. Photo taken by Peter Remke

The MP for Tottenham has written to the leader of Haringey Borough Council in support of a campaign to save a 161-year-old pub in his constituency.

David Lammy MP wrote to Councillor Claire Kober urging her to grant the Antwerp Arms, in Church Road, community asset status.

The pub's owner, Enterprise Inns, has put the building up for sale with the hope of developing it into housing.

However, a campaign group called the Antwerp Arms Association, made up of concerned residents, has put in the application in an attempt to save the pub, where pints have been poured since 1852.

In the letter, Mr Lammy said it is important to save the pub as it serves as a community hub.

He wrote: “As the Member of Parliament for Tottenham, I strongly support the application for community asset status by the Antwerp Arms Association and would urge Haringey Council to do the same.

“Community pubs such as the Antwerp Arms serve as valued community hubs and at a time where streets are increasingly dominated by a small range of shops, it is important that we make use of the available mechanisms to preserve the pub.”

If the building is successfully listed as an asset the council must be made aware of any decision to sell it.

The authority can then initiate a holding period of between six weeks and six months should the community group wish to buy the pub.

Mr Lammy added that the campaign to save the Antwerp Arms has received a large amount of support from fans of Tottenham Hotspur FC.

He wrote: “The pub has the added advantage of being within close proximity to White Hart Lane and is a meeting place for Tottenham Hotspur fans on match days.

“As a result, the campaign has also attracted the support of the club-backed Tottenham Hotspur Supporters Group.

“This is a real opportunity for a community victory in Tottenham. Therefore I would urge you to back Antwerp Arms Association's application.”

Council leader, Cllr Kober, said it would be inappropriate of her to comment on an active application.

She said: “It wouldn’t be appropriate to comment on an active application, but of course we welcome local people coming together to protect buildings important to the community and to preserve local heritage.”

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Would David Lammy have said the same as Claire Kober if he was leader of the council? Is this just something that goes with the job or is she really quite emotionless?

She can't say this: "Whilst I can't comment on an active application I think it is fantastic that local people in Haringey get together to protect buildings important to the community and to preserve local heritage"?


John, I can assure you that if to you and me, Claire Kober often appears robotic and emotionless, our Dear Maximum Leader has a red hot passion - to keep her job as Council Leader.

As it falls upon a day
In the merry month of May,
Comes the chance to have our say.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

And what about all the other pubs that have been lost, others under threat plus the social clubs that are now gone or turned into furniture shops and blocks of flats. It's not about one pub or club here and there about a whole trend that needs to be questioned and looked at from community point of view. 

I know there are desperate housing shortages in London but this problem won't be solved with the current policies of selling a certain percentage at high prices to overseas investors.

Pretty soon the whole city will be housing and not much else. Enjoy your pub or club while you can because they might not be there much longer! 

The ANTWERP ARMS PUB has been listed as an ASSET OF COMMUNITY VALUE by Haringey Council (9.9.13.)
On 14th August an assessment panel agreed that the pub should be awarded an 'ACV' and we were notified of this on Monday 9th September 2013...

For those of you that want more information we will be organising another general meeting with the date to be confirmed....

With thanks to everyone for all your support, this is just the start...The fight goes on!


Good point. Use them or lose them. Same with clubs. Well done to the action campaigners who achieved this status for the pub. 

Sure, Stan, do please avoid giving David Lammy any credit for anything whatsoever.

Who knows what terrible things will happen if people start trying to make considered and balanced judgements of our MP - based on what he says and does. Especially now he is not a Government Minister and can say what he wants.

For the record: I'm a strong supporter of David Lammy and  I've never had any problem challenging him and telling him when I think he's wrong. He listens too.)

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

The Antwerp Arms Association were absolutely delighted when our MP David Lammy gave us his support,  It opened many doors and bought in much needed attention and publicity to our cause, and stimulated a valuable press interest.  His office have supported us and taken phone calls and sent emails on our behalf, and have had access to information unavailable to our group.  We think that David Lammy and his staff have been brilliant and we are so grateful for his continuing interest in our project!




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