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Council Seeks to Move Crossrail 2 from Centre to North of Borough - Last Chance to TfL What you Think

As a result of the Council's aspirations for Wood Green, a further option has been added to the Crossrail 2 route. They want the Ally Pally option routed via Wood Green instead of Turnpike Lane.

Whilst this option may serve the Council's own aspirations, it moves the station away from a point that's as close to the centre of the borough as it's possible to get to one towards the northern boundary. The Turnpike Lane option also looks to be much better connected by road and I believe by bus too. What's more is that the Wood Green option would call for a huge ventilation shaft to be dug in Downhill's Park.

The TfL consultation ends on 8th Jan. If you'd like to have your say on this option click through to the consultation main page or go straight to the questions (If you're only interested in this part of the consultation, you need do no more than answer four questions and give your name.  

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PERHAPS my main motivation for supporting TfL's original route is that it would be a big supportive plank under Ally Pally. However, when contemplating such important, expensive infrastructure for this global city, neither AP Palace nor a local council's plans to attract property developers, are of great consequence.

It's important to think of the Crossrails not as alternative Underground lines, but as a subterranean heavy-duty railway lines.

I've been speaking to a London transport expert recently and the original route was conceived for good sound metropolis transport reasons, especially balancing load and spreading it out more evenly. Wood Green fails by taking into account little more than parochial considerations. By contrast, Alexandra Palace is a node on the main East Coast Line.

Moreover, it is clear that Tottenham's MP favours the transport-serious route. I note on his website the original plan (above; click to enlarge) that makes no mention of the half-baked, Johnny-come-lately, Wood Green option.

David Lammy's views aren't incidental in the matter: he happens to Chair the All-Party Parliamentary Committee on Crossrail 2.

By advocating a blinkered developer-agenda (to be pushed again in Cannes), Haringey gets in wrong in a number ways and Crossrail 2 is an example.

C D Carter
Highgate Ward
Liberal Democrat Party

There was an item in the new last week about the proposed Kings Road Chelsea station. The locals aren't keen at all. Interesting to see whose views carry more weight, the citizens of SW3 or N22.

Michael, incidentally, the Council Minority Group favours the Turnpike Lane and Ally Pally route over the Wood Green route (I won't reproduce the press release, but some reasons are on a link here).

By contrast, the Council's favoured option for redevelopment around Wood Green centre (that will happen one way or another anyway) is Option 4 that is predicated on TfL going for a Crossrail 2 station at Wood Green. I believe that is unlikely, and if it does not come to pass, it could mean wasted time and effort.

THE factors that are likely to weigh heavily in the choice of Crossrail 2 route are large-scale, London-wide. The two maps below (click to enlarge) help to illustrate the route from the big-transport perspective of TfL:

A Crossrail 2 route that includes Alexandra Palace leverages not one, but
two big railway feeder lines (above, also here).

This map adds in the Underground lines and makes the point slightly less clearly



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