Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hello all.

We live in a small block of flats (9 flats in total) and we have a shared bin chamber. We have 4 recycle bins that have rubbish pilling up on top of them as they will not empty them as they are contaminated with non recyclable waste. Its been like this for weeks. Veolia won't empty them as they are contaminated so what are we supposed to do about them? Just let them build up and up and create a potential health issue? Are we as residents expected to make arrangements to get them emptied ourselves, or are Veolia responsible to empty them even though they are contaminated? Looking on Haringey's website the answers are all about single dwelling contaminated bins, not shared bins. We have emailed Veolia over a week ago about these bins but they haven't been emptied nor have we received a reply. 

Any advice or guidance will be appreciated.


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I live in a house that's been converted into three flats, we have a shared bin in the front garden and this is an ongoing issue. Tbh it's mostly  not the other two flats who are sticking stuff in the wrong bin but because we're in a place with lots of footfall it's people walking past. We've had all sorts of weird stuff dumped in the bins and garden.

It's particularly annoying because it's often just one rogue item, but Veolia absolutely will not fish it out themselves - or even knock on the door so I can do it for them.  It's massively frustrating when the whole bin's labelled contaminated because of a single banana peel sitting on the top that could be easily shifted. When I brought it up as an issue their response was that we could keep the two huge wheelie bins inside in the hall - that's not really a solution!

In terms of the 'contaminated' bin they will empty it alongside the other bin when it's the non-recycling week, but obviously that means you having to have your 'contaminated' green bin out of use for a week.  

Perhaps you should get together with other residents and  transfer the contaminating items from the recycle bins to the trash bins. This is not a pleasant task, but as you seem to suffer from neighbours who are irresponsible, it looks as if those residents who do follow the rules will need to step up and resolve the issue. Good luck in achieving a resolution before Christmas brings the usual tsunami of rubbish.

Hi, I’m not sure if things have changed, but I lived in a shared house for many years, up until 2019, and this often happened where other tenants dumped rubbish wherever, they did not care. So they would often put a tag on the bin and it would not be emptied. I used to call Veolia, and they used to say ok we will book as a collection for contaminated waste 🤷🏻‍♀️ never understood it to be honest.

It must be frustrating for you.I hope you can get it resolved.Do you have an area in the communal area where anything gets put up on the wall? I was just wondering if you could put a note or something?!



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