Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I am becoming increasingly concerned about gangs of these women operating in Wood Green - again! I know there was a problem with them a few years ago but thought things had calmed down a bit but lately I have noticed lots of them again - yesterday on was on 67 bus and a huge gang got on and quite openly got out all of the clothes they had clearrly just stolen from shops in Wood Green and proceeded to throw the hangers on the floor and remove the price tags. They got off at the Kingsland shopping centre - probably to steal a few more items

 I have also seen them begging all along Wood Green High Road- again they operate in gangs and are clearly not homeless and I can't imagine they get a great deal of money

 My main concern is for more vulnerable members of the community who may not be as aware as others of potential thieves and pickpockets - like the 83 year old man who was robbed in broad daylight in Islington by two of these women.

I know they are banned from entering the West End now - I would be interested to know what the police are doing about them in Wood Green - perhaps a blanket ban of them entering shops is a good idea? perhaps if they realise that they are not welcome then they might go back to whichever hole they crawled out of?

Sorry trying not to make this sound like a Daily Mail type rant but it makes my blood boil - particularly for the poor shop owners who I can't imagine are having an easy time of it at the moment I am sure the last thing they need is these girls stealing from them.

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We, the honest customers, pay for the goods shoplifted through increased prices.

I'm becoming increasingly concerned about people who see (or believe they see ) crimes and do nothing.
Perhaps you could have alerted the driver who could have called the police to meet the bus ?
Hi John
I had actually just got onto the bus when they ran out the shop and onto the bus - had I been in the street I proabably would have said something or at least alerted the shop owner - I didn't actually think about saying anything to the bus driver but it's a good idea, to be honest I don't really think they cared what people thought - the bus was very busy and they were just behaving loudly - shouting at each other and taking out everything they had stolen and chucking the hangers on the floor.
I sympathise Tamara - it's very easy for me to sit here and make suggestions, not so easy when you're actually on the spot.
Hi John
No not all you are quite right - I probably should have done more than I did although I wasn't really sure I wanted to tackle them on my own and I guess that's the real issue most of us see these things and don't do anything about it although I was in a very well known High St retailer last week and someone did report a shoplifter and the store staff were really not interested I guess the other issue is your own stafety, there have been a few thankfully very rare incidents when someone has died or been seriously injured by tackling muggers or people attacking others, it kind of makes you think twice about stepping in.
It would sound slightly less Daily Mail if the "Eastern European" was left out.

The problem is gangs of women shoplifting - not where they're from.
If you carry on down this line, you might as well say gangs of people shoplifting, or if you feel that is an unjustified Daily Mail slur on homo sapiens, you could say gangs of mamalian creatures shoplifting.

Anything that helps identify criminals is useful. If they were all unusually short, tall or fat or thin, that too would help. The police are known to refer to this assisting process as "a description".

Sometimes the police have no description or a partial description or a full description. The more complete the description, the better the chances of apprehension. You do want them caught, don't you?

Malcolm, Tamara

You may be interested in the police raid on Effingham Road this weekend - you can read about it here.
Sorry Malcolm but I was actually stating a fact - from having to listen to them screaming and shouting on the bus yesterday they were Eastern European - if you read the article about the gentleman who was mugged in Islington the police described his attackers as Eastern European as well and a post from here a week or so ago when someone had their bag stolen in Sainsburys by - wait for it two Eastern European girls - if the gang of girls I saw had been green with yellow spots then that's how I would have described them.
Alan - poor shop owners yes those people who run the small clothing shops towards Turnpike lane which is where the girls came out of before getting on the bus - people trying to earn a living don't deserve to have their stock stolen not really sure why you think I might live in Crouch hill or anywhere Stokey I live in the Roundway - not exactly a middle class haven!!!
Why oh why do so many of these conversations end up being exercises in nit picking and splitting hairs? Tamara was raising a valid concern about the local behavior of a certain group of people, not posting some bigoted opinion about Eastern Europeans. Now if she said something along the lines of “I am worried about the amount if Eastern Europeans in Wood Green as they are all thieves” then fair enough – but she didn’t. If I was describing a perpetrator to the police and told them that they should be looking for a man with a blue suit and black hat would I be discriminating against men, blue suits and black hats? Seriously - before you clutter up someone else’s discussion with such irrelevant posts please take a second to review whether your comment forms part of a "constructive debate about local issues" as per the Ts & Cs of this site.
Thanks Katy I was starting to think perhaps I was a little off for posting this, it was done out of genuine concern and a bit of being a little fed up with this particular groups behaviour - I honestly wasn't sure how else to describe them!!!
I completely agree with you Katy!!! We should all be able to make valid points without being jumped on . There do seem to be a few people who regularly contradict comments/opinions being expressed in quite a patronising or agressive way.
Katy and Kavitha, you are right to remind people to make their points in a manner that won't come across as 'patronising or agressive' .

It is clear from Tamara's post that as Katy says, she is not making a sweeping statement about one particular group of people ( I doubt the post would have survived if it had since it would have been against the Tof S of the site)

However, I do also appreciate the unease some people may feel and that the discussion could be mis-interpreted by some... and that it all might go a bit 'Daily Mail'/'BBC Have your say' comments page.

This site isn't the Mail/HYS comments page however and we believe that people will abide by our terms of service. Please let's try to keep the discussion focused on what Tamara has said and not allow it to become as Katy suggests an exercise in nitpicking and getting at each other.



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