Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Following his failure to be reselected by the St Ann's Labour party Cllr Haley this afternoon announced his decision to cross the floor and join the Lib Dems.

I imagine that we can therefore expect imminently an announcement that he'll be standing with a different shirt on at the next elections.

I've been told that there's been intense discussion between the centre and the local party about this move.

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I thought he would. Is that 29:28 now?
My arithmetic used be better. It must be 30:26:1 after those earlier flittings.
Clearly Brian felt he was the star in our 1-star council.
Where did he announce this?
Publicly, just before full council tonight. Haringey Indy tells all here
Quick as a flash the Wikipedia article on Haringey has been updated with the following:

In January 2010, Brian Hayley became the first ever Haringey Labour councillor to defect to the Liberal Democrats.
With less haste and a bit more care the Wiki-editor might have spelt Cllr Haley's name correctly. And he's the only sitting Labour councillor to have joined the LibDems. I've no idea if former Labour councillors are now in the LibDems. I do know some who - out of strong and honest conviction - moved to the Greens or Respect.

According to both Labour leader Claire Kober at last night's Council meeting, and Richard Merrin (prospective Tory Parliamentary candidate for Hornsey, Wood Green) there seems to have been some sort of auction for Cllr Haley's services.
Totally fair criticism, Mark. So please let me explain the point I was trying to make.

I'm a Labour councillor and a Party member for decades. I think it's significant when people who give years of their life - most of the time entirely as unpaid volunteers - change their party allegiance. It’s often very stressful. They can lose not just close colleagues but good friends.

I'm in the middle of Nick Cohen's book What's Left. For an anti-Iraq war lefty like me it's provocative and sometimes painful stuff.

In Haringey, I've known councillors who left Labour or were pushed out, because of their convictions. This includes people I'm fond of and still count as friends. And many more I greatly respect. I’m thinking, for example, of former councillors Lucy Craig, Sally Billot, Ali Mir and Josie Irwin - all people of substance and ability who worked hard for residents - and for Labour - and made a real and positive contribution.

Of course, good hard-working people leave public life for all sorts of reasons. Maybe there are career, family or health reasons. Or the electorate votes them out. Not so long ago Haringey Tory Party used to have people of stature - examples include Bob Hall, Ronnie Harris, Peter Forrest and Andrew Mitchell. I don't have the final LibDems line-up but know they're losing good people. Susan Oatway, for instance (who moved house). A thoroughly decent competent councillor who'll be missed; not least by officers who appreciated her positive approach and impeccable courtesy.

But now we've had the unedifying spectacle of Cllr Haley the "team player" (his own phrase) deselected. And offering himself for sale on a sort of political eBay. Labour knew of course that Brian was double-crossing us. And being mentored by Cllr David Winskill - presumably so he could learn the right things to say at LibDem HQ.

It must have been touch-and-go. Especially since so many LibDems were clearly having to hold their noses. And when the Standards Committee found he'd bullied a Junior officer. And then, Haringey Tories announced he'd tried to treble-cross the LibDems by doing a deal with them!

But last weekend was LibDem selection time. Presumably they said: "C'mon, sunshine. It’s time to make up your mind." And so, very considerately, Brian resigned by text message on Claire Kober's mobile and went off to his smiling photocall with Robert Gorrie and Lynne Featherstone; and an interview with Haringey Independent.

Following this grubby auction, we find his new colleagues are busy doctoring their blogs [thanks, Mr Hinchcliffe] and swallowing all the scathing and thoroughly justified criticism they made about Haley over the years.

They must now present 'their' Brian as a new man; a towering figure of vision and conviction. And persuade us that he was somehow stopped from carrying out his wonderful plans to improve the borough's environment - even though for years he was the chap in charge of so much of it. And you know, Brian himself probably believes this tosh.
Gosh, I could I written this myself, except the line, "Not so long ago Haringey Tory Party used to have people of stature..". Alan obviously wouldn't know who is a member these days. Today is my last full day as Chairman of the local Conservative Association, and I'm really pleased to say that a huge number of local residents have come forward and joined us over the last years, including two people with firsts from Oxbridge! The important thing, though, is that they are all committed to making our area a better place for all of us. The vast majority of people (of all political colours) enter politics not for self gain (sadly, Brian is an exception to this rule and was and is totally in it for himself) but to make positive differences. We just have differences on how we can achieves such goals.

There are several Labour and Lib Dem councillors whom I like and respect on Haringey Council and, should we increase our councillor tally and have a council where neither Labour and the Lib Dems can secure an overall majority, we would look forward to working with them for the benefit of our residents.
I offer a double-gosh. Having spent weekends in both Oxford and Cambridge.

How very sad that people still try to impress with Oxbridge degrees, doctorates and all the other flummery. Try judging people "by the content of their character".

And if you want to be liked and respected, you'd need to stop listening to your mole (weasel?); and apologise for publishing his lies about people who do have integrity.
I've always made clear that rumours are rumours. You never said who you had "contempt" for. Is it Cllr. Bull? Are you happy to endorse all 3 Labour candidates for White Hart Lane?
There are two key questions. And they are not about the identity of your mole. Haven't you've already announced that three times on HoL?

The first question is whether or not you are capable of correcting/deleting and apologising for publishing the lies your mole told you. (They were sprinkled with some crunchy facts of course. All good liars know that a few facts make their lies persuasive.)

Second: can and will you stop letting yourself be used in this way - to drip poison? By someone who clearly demonstrates they have no moral compass.

What I post on my Flickr Photoblog is as far as possible, factually correct and properly sourced and checked. Inevitably I get some things wrong. In which case I apologise and correct and/or delete it. And try harder.

I’ve no claim to be a "senior" or "important" councillor. In fact, neither you nor I have any importance at all. But there is something very important at stake here: to rebuild public trust in our political system and elected representatives. Particularly after the expenses scandal.

I grew up on a Council Estate and didn't go to Oxbridge. But here's someone who did. Professor Anthony Grayling MA. DPhil (Oxon) who wrote: "We must restore the belief that politics is a vocation, not a moral wasteland" . . . . "Having principles and living by them is not easy, but striving to do so is in itself an ethical act . . ."

You have a moral choice.
Sorry Mark, It will - I hope! - make more sense if you read the later entries on this page..



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