Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

The cllr for Tottenham Hale Alan Stanton is facing deselection by the Labour Group over the use of his Flickr blog to discuss issues around the financial mismanagement of Ally Pally and other developments by some of his colleagues.

It seems Alan will not be forgiven for 'breaking ranks' and telling people the truth about what his colleagues get up to. Transparency is actually quite an uncomfortable thought for some it appears.

Alan appears to be the only sitting cllr to be deselected, despite his hard work on behalf of the residents over things like CPZ lines, illegal fines, litter and dumping and Ally Pally.

Alan is going to appeal against the decision. let us hope the Labour Group see sense and start appreciating Alan's true commitment to transparent local government.

UPDATE: Alan's appeal was successful

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He's always welcome in Harringay.
Have Labour forgotten what happened when they "deselected" Ken Livingston in 2000?
Maybe he will join the Lib Dems?
Do I detect some (unplaced) smugness Mr Hinchcliffe..??

Political parties in local government should be IMO banned - I'm sure most HoL members would much prefer independent councillors, who work for the benefit of the neighbourhood, rather than those who just belong to a 'tribe' of which ever colour and who just tend to 'bleat out' the same old propaganda, day-in, day-out, only because they can only think about their own rise up the greasy pole..

OT: Take David Cameron, son-in-law of Baronet Mount, who's never done a proper days work in his life.. That is if you don't call Conservative Central Office a proper job.. I never thought I would be able to compare Tottenham Tories to Iranian Dictators - But they both seem to be worried about free speech and can't cope with opposing opinions .. Thanks for blocking me on twitter - I certainly won't forget it..
Don't ask me OT questions which I'd love to prove wrong, but I'm not allowed to..
You could always open another thread, as suggested by Hugh. But can you cope with opposing opinions?
Yes I could do and will do - but at the 'right' moment.. At the moment there's enough politics swirling around here..

I'm really quite happy to read opposing opinions - In fact I enjoy them

Don't mistake my 'vigorous' replies for lack of tolerance..

You should direct your question to others around here..
Being deselected from a Local Labour Party is a step forward for someone like Alan, as John has said people funnily enough like honesty, hard work, integrity and transparency in politicians, a rare attribute it would seem in the local scene.

What a pickle the Labour party is in at local, national and European level.
What disappoints me is that there is a whole 'industry' out there pushing government 2.0 being financed nationally encouraging cllrs to blog but no one seems to have told local government Party types that this is the way forward.

Many Lib Dem cllrs blog, our Justin has an entertaining blog (although a bit Lib Dem obsessed) but only one Lab cllr blogs and has been 'punished' for it. Clearly he should have stuck to self congratulatory 'party' pieces and avoided actually talking about the issues honestly (Alan actually reads those reports - not just the executive summary).

Feel a bit like B2 and John, maybe its time for really good local cllrs to cut themselves adrift from the parties and stand as independents. Better still, party politics out of local government altogether.
Just realised that Matt Cooke (Lab, Bounds Green) has a blog too before anyone picks me up on my comment on the number of blogging Lab cllrs.
Tom, I would suggest that nothing Alan did on the blog was 'whistleblowing' as that would imply that he was putting into the public domain information that was not available to the public.

In fact, concerning Ally Pally he merely pointed the public to the powerful criticisms that had already been made in public independent reports commissioned by the council themselves (not the politicians). Having read these public reports, Alan then offered the opinion that cllr Adje should resign over his part in it all. He did not offer information that was not already freely available.

With regard to the Welbourne centre, he was raising public questions over what was happening but as far as I am aware, not publishing any confidential material.
Cllr. Alan Stanton may perhaps refrain from comment on this until his Appeal against de-selection is heard.

I disagree with Alan over aspects of our Charitable Trust. But if he has been cast out on the basis of drawing attention to the two Walklate reports, then this is grossly unfair. Alan was far from alone in fingering Cllr. Adje as having questions to answer in connection with Alexandra Palace (I do not detail the list of areas where Cllr. Adje has serious questions to answer).

Walklate 1 and Walklate 2 were Reports commissioned by the council themselves and were written by independent investigating accountant Martin Walklate. The inquiry into the "development" of the Licence issued to Firoka at Alexandra Palace was necessary to try to get some detail that lay behind the huge losses sustained by our Charity.

For those without the time or patience to read the reports themselves, I attach a copy of an editorial in the Ham&High Broadway from April this year. It's called "Walklate sequel is a real horror story" by editor Geoff Martin.

Alan Stanton's crime, if it was that, was not so much to tell the truth directly, but merely to point out that someone else had uncovered quite a bit of truth about the scandal that has been council management of our Charity.

The Save Ally Pally campaign took the Charity Commission and the Trustees to the High Court on 5 October 2007. We won a stunning victory over a deceitful and misleading council, against which costs were awarded by a Judge clearly appalled at their conduct. The repercussions continue; even just yesterday (Thursday), it was made public that the recent AP General Manager has left the employment of the Trust. This follows the disgrace of the previous General Manager Keith Edwin Holder.

No one should imagine that the repercussions are at an end.




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