Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Refuse and recycling collection services will be operating as normal over the Christmas and New Year period. However, in the event that there is another period of heavy snowfall as was experienced last year then services may be disrupted. In these circumstances, please check the council's website, which, we are assured, will be updated as soon as possible with details of any changes.

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I just asked my rubbish collecting man if the recycling was going to be done today as well. He said that the recycling people were on a different deal to him and that there was a dispute over double time etc. Haringey Enterprise are not responsible for the recycling so the above link will not help with that. Some of our recycling is starting to spill into general rubbish and our general rubbish is normally one bag a week. The council could do wheelie bins for recycling in a different colour for those of us that recycle more than we throw out. Just a thought.

Our recycling was not collected on Friday as normal. The rubish was. Sack whichever firm they've contracted recycling too and get someone in who's willing to work.

Nice presents this year Anette? The recycling is done by the council so they're council employees.


Ours was collected an hour ago. Phew! Now to fill it up again for next Monday!

The best one would be some heads rolling... the incompetent morons have not made it to us yet. I suppose it's such highly skilled work that they needed to rest their brains a little on the way. Poor babies.



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