Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I was at Hornsey library this morning and noticed they were doing tours of the Reserve Stock - an enormous basement full of books that are no longer allocated shelf space in Haringey's libraries because either they are not borrowed as much or are old/delicate/valuable etc. Fiction, non-fiction, art - you name it, it is there and can be borrowed as per the normal books. The trouble is usually that you can't browse, but have to know what you're looking for and ask for it by name.

There's another tour at 2 p.m and if you are a library-fan it's well worth popping along today as there probably won't be another chance until the spring. I spent a delightful hour browsing and reading this, that and the other - couldn't borrow any books as my ticket is currently full up, but that's probably a good thing!

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A plug for the Haringey Libraries online Catalogue to search the Reserve Stock, now moved to http://capitadiscovery.co.uk/haringey/ 

Older bookmarks will shortly cease to work, they say.

Gordon T, as you seem to know what's going on, could you please say a bit more about your comment: "Older bookmarks will shortly cease to work, they say."

If you're unsure, I'll send in a councillor's enquiry. But this will probably take a fortnight to be answered.

(Tottenham Hale ward mushroom councillor )

It might work better, as there has always been a difference between the catalogue you could access at home and what was on the library's own computer. If you clisk onto the old catalogue link it takes you to the new one, but I don't know whether all the passwords etc are the same.

Nothing bad I think, just a behind-the-scenes change in the library catalogue and book loans IT support. The URL has been something-something-talis for ages, but if you have bookmarked that old URL it will soon not work - there's now a 'flag' at the top of the library catalogue page to say that http://capitadiscovery.co.uk/haringey/  will soon be the only access point to the catalogue, at least outside the libraries themselves. 

It remains to be seen if there will be longer-term changes to the look and feel of the online catalogue, at the moment it all appears to work just the same (including passwords) as, say, some months ago. 

One useful thing that disappeared a couple of years ago which has recently returned is the ability, once you've logged in to your library account, to look at the history of your borrowings from the libraries.

I would love it if they could automatically send out email reminders for when books are due back - they've had a system like this in Edinburgh for years.

No harm in asking!

Oh I have!



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