Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Has anyone else been affected by this? A cement lorry is completely blocking the top of the road, making it impassable to all vehicles. Cars trying to get up Hewitt road are having to reverse back down - one car actually reversed into me while doing so just now (fortunately at a very slow speed).

I asked the man operating the lorry what was going on and he responded that they would be in place for at least an hour - when I asked if they had any sort of permission to block the road he merely replied 'I don't know, I'm just working here'.

It's not too much of a problem for me - I parked elsewhere and just had to carry a lot of heavy bags back to my house. But this is surely unacceptable and will cause more significant problems for those who rely on bro. Able to park on their own road, such as the elderly or disabled. Not sure who to complain to - any ideas?

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